Chapter 5

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Graces Pov:

Walking into lunch I'm searching for the girls, I see them and they signal me to come. "Bitch where the fuck were you," Zoe said laughing. "you'll never believe what the fuck just happened," I said shaking. "First calm down, What's the matter?" Zoe asked. "Anthony just threatened me saying "I will always be his, and he pushed me into the locker". I said. "WHAT THE FUCK, WHERE THE FUCK IS HE," Ava said while yelling. "No Ava chill someone took care of it" I insisted. " WHO" they all yelled. "Quite Down," I said while getting annoyed they kept yelling. "who was it," Katie said.

Katie was such a sweetheart, she was nice to everyone even Cora, She needed to work on that but other than that she was like a perfect person. Mother and Father had money, had the perfect little sibling brother and a sister. Her life was perfect. She was a light skin girl with hazel eyes and reddish hair. She always wore jeans and a shirt, it was rare to see her in a dress or skirt.

"It was.......Aaron" I managed to get out. They all gasped. 'What the new kid" Ava asked. "Yes, the new kid." " he punched Anthony and I saw the rest of them," I said. "Woah Woah, what were you doing out in the hallway," asked Amy.

Amy also a sweet girly, But my whole gang aka my girls knew how to handle themselves. Amy also had red/orange hair, brown eyes, pale skin but not to pale, and was a little curvy. She wore jeans, dresses, skirts you name it she wore it, she was like our little fashion model. She also made some of her clothes because her mom was a sewer and they sewed clothes together all the time. When I turned 13 she made me a dress to wear at my party, I got compliments the whole night on my dress, and she could bake. perfect wifey material, If I liked girls I would have a huge crush on her.

"I was in the hallway because Cora said she wanted to see him after class." I shrugged.  "But girls, there's six of them, and six of us we could totally dominate the school if we worked with them. The senior year could go so much faster, maybe even better." I said "I'm tired of people being scared of Cora just because she had money, it's not fair," Bella said. "We need to become close with them, who knows maybe they could be our future husbands". I said trying to convince the girls. "I'm not giving up easy tho" Zoe stated "No duh," Katie said "Well how do we do it," Ava asked. "I don't know but we gotta figure something out fast before Anthony's friend takes us all or worse they fall for Cora's friends," said Bella. The thought of that made me wanna throw up, them dominating the school. He didn't really have a gang but he had a group of friends who were just as rude and demanding and they wanted all of us.

"We gotta get to class, the bell is about to ring," I said. "Well look who we have here," Cora said while crossing her arms, with Maria and Olivia doing the same thing but this time, it looks like there were three new recruits, while they were preventing us to go to class. " I see you're looking at my new friends Amanda , Jessica and Julia, they were a great investment to the team," she said. "Wow more slaves," Zoe says trying to be amused. "You better watch it"Jessica steps up. "And who the fuck are you talking to," Katie says. "Don't get started with us" I said. "Listen, we just came to say that the new kids are ours," Cora said. "They're not up for grabs, besides ion think they will like you, just seeing how Aaron pushed you like you were nothing says a lot and it doesn't look like your new recruits look the part.". "You wanna say it louder," Maria says. "Wow, the bitch speaks," Amy said. "Don't call her a bitch!" Amanda says. "Ladies Ladies lets stop arguing and fight it out," Anthony says while putting his arm around me. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME," I kick him in the balls. "Did you just kick my man, oh na" Cora pulls me to the ground. I'm pissed as hell I start beating her ass hitting, harder and harder. Then the next thing I know my whole friend group is fighting Cora's. I'm fighting Cora. Ava is fighting Maria. Bella is fighting Amanda. Amy is fighting Jessica and Katie is fighting Julia. I told you we knew how to handle our shit. We didn't fight for long.

Then Anthony's friends broke us up, and of course he grabbed me, and his other friends grabbed my friends. "PUT US DOWN" I yelled. I hear the girls screaming trying to get out there grip. where was he taking us I thought. Me and the girls were screaming the whole time. They took us outside and I was looking around trying to find anyone and anybody to help us. Then I saw these boys were outside. Then I realized it was Aaron, but his back was turned away from us. "AARON" I yelled so loud I'm pretty sure the whole school heard. Aaron came up and punched the shit outta Anthony again. Then he grabbed his gun from off his side and pointed it at Anthony's head. Why the hell does him and his friends have guns at school. Did no one see this. "Put her down now," he demanded. "Alright cool it man, I'm putting her down," Anthony said. He put me down. " Put them all down " one of his friends said, waving the gun around like it was fake or something. We got up and dusted our selves off and rushed to Aaron and his friends . We stood behind him, I'm to scared to get closer. "Don't touch her ever again or next time I'll pull it.". I was frightened, standing behind him. I look at belle and we both look shocked

Anthony's friends backed up with there hands up and turned around and started running. "Thank you," I said. He grabbed me and looked into my eyes. "Are you ok?" he asked. I looked at my friends we all looked fine. "yea" I say . After hearing this he let me go. It was an awkward silence before I said, "How do we keep meeting like this" I said. I could tell a smile grew in his face. "Let me introduce my friends, This is Ava, Bella, Katie, Amy, and Zoe. " They waved and said hey. "Oh and I'm grace". Nice to meet you, Aaron said. "Let me introduce you to my people". he said, his voice was so sexy. I couldn't think straight. "This is Luke, Matthew, Jake, Alex, and Mark. "sup," they all said. "Maybe we should get to know each other sometimes" Aaron insisted. "yea, sure. Just give me your number" he gives his number and I texted him "<3" just to make sure he got my number.

"Later on we can make a group chat," Ava said. "I fuck with that" Luke said while looking at Ava. "Bye boys" we waved as we go inside. "I thought I told you, they were ours," Cora said. "Thought I told you there not up for grabs," I said while smirking. "Whatever you'll see," Cora says while rolling her eyes.

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