Chapter 16

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* 2 days later *

Graces Pov -

Some days were harder then others but I always manage to push through. Getting ready for school I was excited this week. The back to school party was 2 days away and I felt that time had gone by fast now that the boys are here. I always walked to school with ava or we drove her car because I didn't have a car. I have my license but just not a car. My dad couldn't afford it at the time, bills pilling up and him barely making enough money. I knew soon I needed a job. By my 17th birthday I thought I would get one but never did. Ava had a car tho. It was nice. It was a black and the newest version of a lexus. I myself helped decorate the inside, With fake diamonds and fur.

"You ready to go" Ava asked "Yup, Do you think we can stop by and see Mary and grab milkshakes for the girls" i asked. I felt pretty bad for barely talking to them and not being able to tell the full truth. They were my bestfriends they deserved better. "Sure" Ava said sounding all excited. Ava and I loaded in the car and before we played music I wanted to ask her a question about relationships. " Ava how did you know you wanted to be with luke ". She looked at me concerned. " Well I didn't kinda just get out of a relationship babes." "I don't know he's different, something about the way he talks and looks at me" she said. "Why you don't like him?" she asked me. "no no i love him for you, I just don't know if I wanna start the process again. You know." i said.

"You don't have to date him, yall could stay friends" she said. I didn't wanna be friends tho but I'm not sure I'm ready right now, What if hes another anthony. " I guess " i said. I put a lot of thought into this on the way to Ms.Mary

"Hey Ms.Mary, how are you this morning" Ava said. "Hi girls i'm doing lovely how are you two. We needa talk about last night." she said looking at us both like we were her 2 daughters that had just snuck out. "Which part?" I said and started laughing. "You know what i'm talking about, Those 2 handsome young men and you 2 being way way way to drunk for my likings" she said. "Can we come by after school and give you the run down" I asked. She looked angry but she knew we had school. "I want the full story ladies. right after school. " she said. "yes ma'am" Ava and I said happily. "What can I get you too" she asked. "can we have 5 cookies and cream milkshakes and 1 double chocolate milkshakes" I asked. I loved Mrs.Mary milkshakes, they were so rich and creamy.

"Here you are ladies" she said happily. Ava paid and Ms.Mary tried to tell us to keep it. Ava insisted on giving it to her and I wanted her to have it too. We carefully put the milkshakes in the car and got in and drove to school. I was on aux and turned on Rojo by Rico Nasty duhh. Me and Ava pumped as fuck.

Finally making to school and seeing the others i feel so relieved. when i'm around them i feel so relaxed. We hadn't had a sleepover in forever, but between everyone's busy schedule we never had time. The girls basically running to the car. got in the car and started jamming with us. We gave them there milkshakes. Bella is the only one with double chocolat. She's been drinking that flavor since we were kids. That's how i met her. I didn't want mine and it was favorite flavor, so I gave it to her.

"Hey ladies". My head snapped when I heard that voice. We were interrupted by the devil himself. "What do you want Anthony" Bella asked. Staring at him like she was ready to tear his head off. "May i speak to your friend" he asked. Staring right at me as I try to hide. "No you may not" Ava added. "I think you should leave buddy" I heard a familiar voice say. My body beamed with excitement. Anthony went away when he heard someone call his name. "Aaron" I said all excited practically jumping into his arms. "Hi Grace how are you feeling". Still drinking my milkshake "everything is all good". "Good" he said. "So are you going the party" I asked. "I don't know yet, me and the boys have to help setup but we didn't think about staying" he said. Fuck. It had completely slipped my mind that he had to help Cora set up.

I paused for a moment. "What's wrong Grace" he said cupping my face. I backed up from him pretending as if I did it on purpose to throw away my milkshake. "Nothing I just don't see the point in you and boys helping set up" I said. He reached for my hands. "I assure you nothings is gonna happen" All tho I wanted to believe him, with Cora anything is possible. I just smiled at him back. speak of the devil "hi boys" Cora says. "Aaron I need to speak to you in private" she says while staring at me. 

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