Chapter 7

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Aaron's Pov

After what just happened to grace, I knew she was most wanted and all I wanted to do was protect her. The guys looked like they had fun. "Can we get back to what we were talking about?" mark said while trying to make everyone focus as they were watching the girls walk back into the school. "You wanna talk about a driveby, instead of the fact we just saved the hottest girls in the school," I questioned. "I do, but we have more important things to talk about" Mark said. "We can't get distracted this is real shit," Jake said. " I know I know but can we be teens for a fucking second," i said while laughing. " Were not teens anymore," Luke said, he looked at me and I could tell he was serious I looked at him and thought to myself "Did I really turn my guys into money making killing machines. "We can start again," I said. "Can we do it after the driveby," Alex said. "Fine" I agreed. "But we have to finish the day." I said. "Great going back to school" Luke said. " I feel like we've been in the same grade for years " Matthew said while we were walking back into the school. "Let's just get the day over with" I said.

We walked into school and I was looking for grace and her friends wondering where she went. Not seeing her insight I went on with the day. Then I overhear Cora saying She might throw a party. Great just what we need, A party. Especially since she throws herself on me, and there's six of them and six of my gang. Something finna go down. I pull out my phone and was going to look at where my next class was, which was science. When I see a message from Cora, "Why is she texting" I thought. Before I went to class I told the guys to meet back at the house after school we need to discuss more. They all shook there head, Now reading the text. "If I were to have a party would you help set up?". I texted back "Maybe" She responded so quickly. "Nothing bad is gonna happen, I just need a few guys to help get stuff ready." she said. "Why don't you get that Anthony kid." I asked. "Because he sucks and he doesn't have muscles like you." she texted. "Fine, but no funny shit. My guys are in and out" I texted. " Aww you won't stay for the party." she said with a sad emoji. "ill think about it" I texted. "Thanks ;)" she texted.

Great now I gotta tell the guys about this bullshit. I had science with Mark, Walking into science. Trying to see if Grace was anywhere to be found and she was not. Where could she be I thought. Science had no one I knew but Mark and I, This might be the class I can sneak out of. Class went on and she introduced me once again, I had a lot on my mind and it was not science. Just as I thought this could be my peaceful class it was not.

Cora walked in with another girl. "Watch out here comes a Monet" Mark says. (Monet - looks ok from far but up close is a mess - from clueless). I started laughing, "whose the girl behind her" I asked " No clue" . As I turn my head back to the front of the class, she walks toward me. "I thought I might find you in this class" Cora said while smiling. "Did you switch your classes just so you could be with me" I questioned "Maybe" she answered. "And whose behind you" She asked "Mark" I said while giving the look to help. "Wassup" he said. I shook my head, not what I had in mind. "Who's behind you" I asked. "Oh this is Jessica, Mark you might love her" she said. "Hi boys" she said seductively. When will this end. "I'll pass" Mark said. I try to hide my laugh "You'll see" Cora said. "Take a seat ladies" the teacher said, I don't even know her name.

Once class was over, Mark and I ran out of class to make sure Cora didn't stop and try to talk to us. Then I gotta text, I didn't wanna check it because it might have been Cora, but I checked it anyways. It was grace, I started grinning at phone. "Don't tell me Cora sent you traps already". Mark asked. "No" I shoved him and we started laughing, " I do need to tell you and the guys about something about her tho" I said. "Well whos it" Mark asked, "Its Grace" Better her then cora. Mark said. "Yea, see you at the crib" I said. "ard" he said. I just realized I didn't text her back. I check my phone and it says "wanna meet after school?" "ard with me, where doe" I texted. "where u wanna go" she texted "you know this place better then me, u pick." I texted with a laughing emoji. "I'II just meet you after school, you can walk me home ok?" "ok coo, are you at school rn?" I texted, "no, I skipped" "whaa I anit know good girls can skip" I texted. "guess i'm not a good girl then" "i'm in for a surprise" I texted. I'm praying this last period goes by fast. SHIT! I had english with Jake and Alex, I'm walking into class and Cora is in my class again with to of her little friends. What the actual fuck. Hurry up class.

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