Chapter 3

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Graces Pov:

Second period was my all time least favorite class because I had no one in there. Cora was the only person in that class I had some type of history with, other than students I've been going to school with since middle school, but it seems like Mr. new kid also apparently was in my class. Cora was all over him already I know he hated her as much as we all do. He seems to be having a good time tho. i threw up in my mouth, but then he turned his head as he watches me sit down. "What was up with this kid" I thought to myself. Ms. Jones walked into class. She was my favorite teacher tho, I hated her class but she was my favorite teacher. History was so boring but so important. I will never understand why wars have to start.

We continue the class and I hear Cora whispering to the new kid "meet me after class" she said. he shook his head answering ight ." this bitch" i said in my head. she such a hoe never understanding the fucking line she crosses. Class was over in 30 minutes. Like I said Ms.Jones was my favorite because she was the only was who cared during the time my mother passed and after, other than my friends. She was black with dark hair and brown eyes and she most def was a curvy woman. Me and my friends always hyped her up. She was such a beautiful teacher. Class was over soon, she basically said that we had an up coming test in maybe a week. As I was exiting class I texted the girls group chat, Your Favorite Whores <3. "I'm going to be late, save me a seat xx.".

I remembered that Cora told Aaron to meet her after class. I started looking for them, as I turned the corner I see her and him talking and she grabbed his phone. " I guess exchanging numbers," I whispered. As I'm watching him he was kinda hot. Then outta nowhere, five other guys come up to him and start talking. "This must be the rest of the new kids" I thought. "Who are they," Cora says while forcing him to hold her. He pushes her off. she gasped and walked away. "What the fuck are you doing here slut." she says rolling her eyes."Bitch, I'll beat yo ass, shut the fuck up", I said annoyed. She walks away and I head towards my locker to grab some chips. I keep watching them while i'm at my locker, there all tall and buff but not to buff damn. Then I feel someone grab my ass.

It was my ex Anthony. "Get the fuck off me" I yelled while pushing him away. "Chill baby, I wanna talk," Anthony said while smiling, I used to think he was the most wonderful man alive until he cheated on me at a party. Unfortunately he also knows what my dad does to me "I don't, you know how much I don't like Cora and the fact you would even look at her is fucking disgusting," I said yelling. "Baby chill out," he said touching me. "Get. The. Fuck. Off. Me." He pushes me against the locker " You will always be Mine." he said forcefully. My body tenses up. Then outta nowhere, he gets pushed off me. I see Aaron and the others but he signals then to go away, and punches the shit outta Anthony. They disappeared in the halls.

"Who the fuck are you" Anthony says. "She said get the fuck off her" Aaron said with a murderous look in his eyes . Anthony looks at me and turns and disappears in the halls.

I try to get up and go to the lunchroom, but I feel a tug. It's Aaron, "Are you ok?" he says, his voice was deep and sexy. Honesty it was distracting . Like I was describing him earlier he had platinum black curly hair with icy blue eyes and was buff and one arm full of tats and looked like his chest was too. He was holding me I started shaking "ye.. yea," I said nervously. I wasn't even nervous because of what I just witness but because of him. When I was turning I felt my sweatshirt lift up, I turned and slapped his hand. His icy blue eyes were piercing into my soul, like he was reading me. He reached for my face and I shivered. I turned and rushed to the lunch room.

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