chapter 25

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"Hey girls!!" I said with excitement. we all jumped and scream. "ok let's get this party started" bella said. "so bella, when do we get to hear about the news." Zoe asked. As everyone loads in and places there stuff down. "tonite, right before the party." she added.

"the house looks amazing" katie says. "why thank you sugar plum" ava says. "ok let's discuss a plan for when it's time to get ready." I said. I plop down on the living room floor and then everyone follows. "Ok so here's what i'm thinking" i say. "we get ready around 6:30 and be fashionable late of course" I started. "I think the party starts at 8 but does everyone know what they are wearing" I question. Obviously Amy spoke first, since she is the fashion model  .

"I'm wearing a white crop top and these high wasted blue jeans with the white 4s." Amy said. "I packed a lot." belle says. "I'm going to my house to get dressed, and grab my makeup bag and hair products I'll be back." Ava says while walking out. "hurry back" Zoe yells. Now what am I gonna wear. "So who wants to take a shower or just wash up" I asked. "You go first" Amy says. "Okay, ill be quick." Ava brought her speaker for tonight and I let belle connect before I turned the shower on. I'm nervous about seeing Aaron but I can't wait. What to wear, what to wear. Oh I know, I'll wear this blacked cropped top with these ripped black jeans, and i'll wear my military 4's. Supa cute. okay quick shower.

I get out the shower and check my phone it's only 6:15. I have time to curl my hair and let it out. I plug in my curling iron and wait for it to heat up while I wait I dash into my room so know one sees me as I hear them laugh down the hall. I change into my robe and check on the girls. "You look sexy" Ava says. "When did you get back" I looked in her direction. " Like 5 minutes ago", she responds. "Does anyone wanna go next" I asked. No one shakes there head yes, everyone is peaceful in there little spot. "Oh wait I will" Amy says. "The towels and bath clothes are in that closet and there's body wash under the sink, just let me get my curling iron out" I say. 

Grabbing the curling iron and walking out, Ava starts the topic if discussion. "So what's the movie for tonight" she ask. "Whatever you all pick, I'm okay with anything" Amy says while walking in the bathroom and closing the door. "How about something scary" Zoe says. "Scary, are you weird zo its the middle of May." belle teases. "So what, we'll be getting back late anyways, it's the perfect time to watch scary movie's. Zoe responds back. " Have you seen any Disney show's when you were younger. It's a terrible time to watch scary movies at nighttime." belle says. Before Zoe responds, Katie speaks up. Do we plan on getting crossed at this party because I don't think any of us would be able to watch a movie. " Well someone has to drive, I automatically picked myself " Ava says. Hmm why did she pick herself if Luke is gonna be there. Everyone knows Ava is more confident when she is drunk, was she embarrassed how he had seen her last time. I made eyes at her and I just shrugged. 

I didn't really feel like getting crossed myself, I had enough drinks for the next month. I really only wanted to smoke. Belle doesn't really smoke though or Katie. They do on special occasions though so tonight could be the night.  I quickly jumped into the small talk that just happened since the small pause and said "I'll drive, I don't plan on drinking tonight". "How come belle question, which I assumed she already knew the reason. "I've had way to many drinks this month, I'm good. Not trying to turn into my father". A small chuckle came out, It wasn't enough to cover the sudden awkwardness since only 2 out of 3 knew to what I was referring to. "Yea, Grace should drive" Amy says while coming out the bathroom. "How did you hear that." Katie questioned. "The door is kinda thin, I can hear it all." Amy responds teasing. " Who's car can I drive" I mischievously grinned. Ava hid imminently, Zoe turned around , Belle faked sleep on the coach and Amy rushed to my room to "get dressed" they all suck I'm not even that bad of a driver.  I batted my eyes to Katie and she rolls her eyes. "Fiiineeee you can drive my car" she says as she points towards her keys.

"Thank you Katie, I swear to take care of it like it's mine" I rushed to her and squeezed her tight and gave her a kiss on her cheek. She laughs. " As for the rest of you, your lucky I don't put you outside tonight." I turned around slowly and said. They all laughed and came out of there hiding spots. " We can all fit in your car right." Ava ask. "Yea, parents are out of town and left my moms car here." Katies says. "Okay great" I say. "Now as far as the movie goes, I don't mind either so It's  up to yall, and Katie is right. Who knows if we will even have enough energy for this. Zoe and belle shrugged there shoulders. " Everyone at least be thinking of a movie" I head to the bathroom and checked my phone. I wonder what Aaron is doing. I clicked the messege app and searched for Aaron. I need to think this out , what to say what to say. I need something strong but not to strong. Something bold not to bold. What to say.

"Hey do you have a pi-" I meet Ava's eyes as she knew exactly what I was doing. " Are you boutta text a certain someone who happens to be bestfriends with my certain some" we laugh and I hand her the phone like she's my mom. Ava is good at conversations starters. She's more out going then I am. "You need something strong or bold, but not to strong or bold". She's my literal twin. "That's what I was thinking." I plop on the bed as I watch Avas wheels turn. "Pink shirt are in the bottom left drawer by the way" I add. "Thanks" she says while typing her fingers. I get up to stand by her side. "I was thinking, If I go to this party am I going to see you entertain Cora" she smirks. "Perfect" I say. I press send and toss my phone on my bed. "So what are you wearing" I asked. "I was thinking the light pink cropped tight shirt you have and some black jeans so I can wear my barbie dunks" "cute" I say going into the bathroom to plug up my curling iron. I start on my makeup and added some light highlighter to  my light area's I added some small gold hoops and begin curling my hair. "Grace he texted bac" before Ava could finish I had already grabbed my phone. Ava eager to know the message she practically jumped on my back. "No Ma'am" we read at the same time, my heart started racing as I see more bubbles. "he's typing more" Ava says while jumping up and down. "If you do come, I'll be with you the whole time" Ava says.

"omg omg omg, could you imagine the double dates" Ava says jumping off walks. I grabbed her and shush her. "Bitchhh relax, what do I say" she grabs the phone again and types away. "can't wait." she shoves in my face. "got anything else" I ask. she deletes that and  thinks. I grabbed the phone and type "I have no other choice but to come now". "Send" ava says. "Now finish Ava, I'm going to check on everyone else." I turned to the living room and saw clothes everywhere in litlle plies but everyone for the most part was done. Amy was just missing bottom and Belle was missing a top. "has everyone done there make up" I asked. "Not me" Ava yells while going into the bathroom. "Doing it right now" I turn the corner some more and see Zoe on the floor in front of a mirror she must have brought from home. "That's a cute shirt I say." It was a purple long sleeve cropped top and she had on dark blue baggy jeans. Everyone for the most part had on jeans. I guess Amy had found her bottoms and they were shorts. "Amy you're not going to get cold right". I asked. "Na. I plan on getting drink, I'm gone need some air" Zoe and I started laughing and Belle and Katie were smiling while doing their hair in any reflective surface that was showing on Zoe's mirror.

I rush back to the bathroom to finish my hair and asked ava half up half done or all out. "All out" she says while looking at my face. "Time check" Zoe yells. "Its 8:15, Are we ready to go." I rush to my room to grab my shoes and ava and I head towards the living room. Last minute perfume gets sprayed lip gloss and lotion is grabbed and we all head out the door. "Phone check" I realized I left my apple watch and run to my room. I grabbed my apple watch more lotion and a hair tie just in case. I run to the door turn all the lights off and lock the door. Everyone is waiting on me and Katie is in shotgun. "Who wants gum" Katie ask. we all say me at the same time. She hands each one of us a stick and a message pops up on apple car play. "where you at". I looked at her and screamed. " J A K E " Zoe spells out allowed. the whole car screams and Katie starts to blush. "Tell him were on the way" I say teasing. She plays some music and the car starts jamming. She puts the address in and I follow the gps. This gon be a long 20 minute drive  

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