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June 28,2022

I was in an deep sleep when I heard loud talking and laughing

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I was in an deep sleep when I heard loud talking and laughing. I got up to notice Royalty and Caiyden wasn't in the bed with me. I got up Brushed my teeth and washed my face and went downstairs. When I got at the bottom I seen Simi and Ms.Monica talking and laughing with my mama and the kids was playing.
"Hey YALL" I said and they looked at me and waved all but Simi. Guess she still feel salty. "Da" Cai said which caught everybody attention I smiled and picked him up and kissed him. Simi was absolutely salty now. She got up and took him from me and started talking to him. I shook my head and went into the kitchen.
When I was about to fix me some cereal my phone was Melody.

I sighed and walked out the kitchen and back upstairs to get dress

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I sighed and walked out the kitchen and back upstairs to get dress. When I walked back into the room, Simi was in back of me and then sat on my bed.
"So you feel better today, being that you was an asshole yesterday" she said as she looking at me get dress. "You good I actually gotta go tho" I told her putting on my jordans. She folded her arms and mugged me. "Where you going this early in the morning" "Simi please just (sighed) Stop!" I semi-yelled at. She looked at me and just shook her head. "Ya know what bye Jayceon me and the kids have an appointment then going home" she said getting up and leaving out the door.

When I was done went downstairs and went out the door heading to Melody's apartment. When I got there, I called her and let her know I was downstairs. 10 Mins later she was walking to the car and got in. " Hi" she said and I nodded and started driving.
When we got to the dr. Office we got out and she went signed in and I sat there and play with my phone. When I was about to text Simi. I heard her and the kids voice in the office. "SHIT" I said as I got up and walked up to them.

"Tf Jay what are you doing here? I never told you about this Doctor" I dragged my head down and as I was about to say something, Melody walked up with the clipboard.. "Hey Chris I need some information about your side of the family for the ba" she stopped and looked at Simi and Me and put her head down. "I'll just go sit and wait over there" she said leaving me here to clean the mess. Simi held Cai and then just stared at me and her face was softened and then got so angry.

"So you here with her but couldn't let me tell you about their appointment, So why y'all here?" I sighed and then walked to her but she just stepped back. "Simi let me explain okay just let me explain at your house not right now."
NO FUCK NO YOU GOING TELL ME NOW!!" She screamed which had everybody staring at us and they started recording.
"Simi lower your voice please just lets go talk okay" I told her but she snatched her arm away from me. "I SAID NOW? WHY ARE YOU HERE!" I got so fed up with the hollering and embarrassing me that my vibe was slightly turned.

 "I SAID NOW? WHY ARE YOU HERE!" I got so fed up with the hollering and embarrassing me that my vibe was slightly turned

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"WE'RE HERE BECAUSE SHES PREGNANT" I screamed and punched the wall. Simi grabbed the kids and told the nurse to reschedule their appointment and left. Everybody was still recording and I just sighed cussing up and storm." The doctor saw us after 10 minutes and did some blood work and ultrasound and we found out she is 12 weeks pregnant. The doctor also gave her an estimate due date is March 24,2023. They gave her prescription and next appt date and we left went to the store get a few things before dropping her off.
I was on my way to Simi's house when my phone was going off.. it was my mom. I answered and she went off on me and started to cry outta frustration. "FIX IT NOW JAYCEON" she screamed before hanging up in my face.
I threw my phone and went to Simi's. When I got there I said an prayer hoping that this conversation don't go south.....

Little something I been having Writers Block

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