Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and other characters that are not recognized by the readers belong to J. K. Rowling.



Summer was over and I was back to helping teachers and Madam Grace in the hospital wing. The institute was being threatened by demons of some sorts. Mom didn't want me to worry too much. Mom and other staff members have vanquish ten demons since the start of the school year. No deaths yet. Students were now escorted to their classrooms and their dormitories. I was to remain close to the teachers when mom wasn't around.

I received letters from Hermione. Ron got an howler because he took his father's car and his father was now facing an inquiry at work. Also, they had a new professor for the Defense of the Dark Arts class, Gilderoy Lockhart. I have read a book of his before but, I saw a premonition that made him look like a fake. He was a fraud.

Matthias has been sending me letters. He just wanted to know how I was doing. He was worried for me when I told him about the demon threats at the institute. I told him not to worry. He was becoming protective of me.

Malfoy has sent me letters as well. He couldn't wait for me to get back there. I still had the necklace he gave me for Christmas last year.


I was finally back at Hogwarts. It was night time. Mom thought that it was a good idea that I continued my work at Hogwarts. I didn't mind. I saw a long list on my blackboard. I wasn't surprised. Most were from Slytherin house. I made a note in my notebook and went to bed. I always arrived to Hogwarts in the middle of the night because the time difference.

I woke up at my usual time and I got dressed for the day. I had my breakfast in my room today because I had a lot to do. After breakfast, I refilled inventories for Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor dormitories first. That took me most of the day. I didn't see golden trio, Malfoy, and Matthias so far.

It was almost dinnertime so I made my way to the Great Hall. I walked around a corner and tripped on my knees. "Ow," I said. I looked up to see two older male Slytherins laughing. I looked down at me knees. They were scrapped bad. I couldn't use my healing powers on myself. "You deserved that you filthy squib," one said. I tried to stand but, it hurt too much. "What did you just do?" I heard. I recognized the voice. It was Matthias. I turned my head and saw him walking toward me. He bent down and saw my scrapped knees. I saw anger in his eyes. It was scaring me a bit. He got a handkerchief and ripped it into two pieces and wrapped both my knees.

He got up and stood in front of the two Slytherins. "I said what did you just do?" he said with more venom. I saw fear in their eyes. "We were walking and saw the filthy squib. We thought we show her where she belonged," one said. Matthias gripped both their robes. "Don't every touch my sister ever again. You got that. If you do, I will make your lives a living hell," he said. They were shocked but, understood and quickly ran to the Great Hall.

He went down and picked me up. "Thank you," I said. "What are brothers for," he said worried. We couldn't go to the hospital wing because it was closed for dinner. He took me to the Great Hall. I rest my head on his chest. We got weird looks from anyone. Matthias didn't care. He brought me to the teacher's table and set me down on my chair. He gave me a pat on the head and left to take his seat.

Everyone was looking between Matthias and I. I didn't mind, but I worried about Matthias' reputation. I saw Malfoy looking at me. He had a frown on his face. He must have notice my knees wrapped. "What happened?" he mouthed. "Later," I mouthed. He nodded his head. I looked at the Gryffindor's table. Harry, Ron, and Hermione gave me a worried look. {I guess they saw my knees.} I ate my dinner as usual. After dinner, I limped in pain my way out of the Great Hall. I stopped at the entrance to see my brother and Malfoy there. Matthias came over and picked me up again. He carried me to the hospital wing.

Madam Pomphrey fixed my legs the best she could. I was to stay in bed for a few days. I would be behind on work though. Malfoy looked at me with a frown. "Why are you frowning?" I asked. "You got hurt," he said. I shook my head. "You don't have to worry about me," I said.I wasn't used to anyone, but mom and Madam Grace worrying about me. "Now you have people who worry about you," Matthias said. I nodded in agreement. He was right. Matthias and Malfoy dropped me off in my room and left me to rest.

I pulled the covers over me and slept.

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