Book 1 Chapter 1: Squib but Powerful

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Here is the first chapter everyone. Please comment and vote.

Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and other characters that are not recognized by the readers belong to J. K. Rowling.


4 years later...

I loved mom. She is the greatest. She didn't care that I was a squib. I got to help a lot. The teachers were very nice to me. Sometimes, I was allowed to help them grade tests and quizzes while they graded essays. I knew all about muggle. I was raised a bit in their world. Mom would take me out to walk around in the muggle world. Also, I grew up with some of their technology such as cell phones and computers.

I helped Madam Grace a lot. She was like a second mother to me. I actually surprised her one day. A student Jacob was rushed into the hospital wing. He had gotten hit on the head by a bludger. Madam Grace was having trouble stopping the bleeding. She ran into the potion storage to get more blood replenish potions. I walked over to him. I place my hand over his head and my hand started to glow. {What?}

Madam Grace was stunned at what she was witnessing. I took my hand away when the glow disappeared. His head was healed. He opened his eyes. He didn't know what had happen. Madam Grace told him that he could have died because he had lost a lot of blood through his head but, I healed him. He thanked me and left the hospital wing.

Madam Grace told mom. She had checked everything about me. I was a squib. I didn't mind. Mom allowed me to spend more time with Madam Grace at the hospital wing to help students who were injured during and after the quidditch matches.

3 years later....

I was pretty much known in the institute as the helper. I helped with grading tests, quizzes, and now short answer questions. The teachers gives me the answer key so that I know what answers were right and wrong. Now I spend half my day in the hospital wing. I only healed students if their conditions were near death or severe. I learned a couple of years ago that if I used my powers too much, I would get really sick or passed out.

I also did some cleaning as well as check inventories in the dormitories. I would refill towels in the cabinets. If a student needed something in their dormitory, they would write the items on a black board. The writing would transfer in my room. I check the board every time I entered my room. The board was located near my desk in my room.

On special occasions, I was allowed to make desserts for the students and teachers. My famous dessert was peppermint hot chocolate cake and dreamsicle cake(Orange cake with vanilla frosting). I enjoy baking desserts.

I realized that I wasn't a normal squib. I was five when I figured it out. I was able to freeze time, move things, shield myself from magic attacks, and have premonitions. When I get angry, I make objects explode. My mother was surprised that even though I had no magic, I was able to have powers. Over time, my mother figured that they were all connected to my emotions. So everyday, I would go to my mother to control my emotions and exercise my powers. I was able to master and control my powers within a year.

Mom thought it wasn't necessary for me to enroll in magic school, but she let me enroll into taking History of Magic, Astronomy, Arithmancy, and Study of Ancient Runes. I enjoyed the classes. They didn't require much to no magic in them which was perfect for me.

Today was a very unusual day. I was on my way to deliver potion ingredients to Professor June when I heard my mother calling for me. "Miss Beverly Kingston...Please come to my office." She didn't usually call me during the day. I quickly went to Professor June's office to drop off the potion ingredients and made my way to mom's office.

Mom's office was located on the top floor but,the entrance was on the fourth floor. We had to solve a riddle. If the riddle was correct, the stairs would appear. I didn't have to answer the riddle. I had a necklace on me that allowed me to pass the riddle and the stairs would appear. I walked up and opened the door.

"You needed to see me mom?" I asked. Mom turned to me with a smile. She came to me and gave me a hug. I hugged her back. She let go and guided me to an elderly man. He had a long grey beard and unusual robes.

"This is my daughter Beverly. Beverly, this is Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Witchcraft and Wizardry," she said. "Hello sir," I said. "Nice to finally meet you Miss Kingston. I heard so much about you from your mother," he said. I turned to mother. "You told him about me?" I asked. "Yes I did. Everything since you were brought here," she said. {So he knows about me since I was a baby.} I turned to him.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "I came here to give you an opportunity," he said. "What opportunity?" I asked. "I would like to give you an opportunity to come to work at Hogwarts," he said. I didn't know what to think. I would be away from mom. I turned my head to mom. She saw my sad expression. I could see her sad expression as well. "I think its a great opportunity," she said. I turned to Dumbledore. "What will I be doing?" I asked.

"You will be doing the same things as you are doing here," he said. That would mean that I would be helping at the hospital wing as well as helping the teachers with grading and delivering things for them. Also, I will be of service to the students with inventory. I turned my head to Mom. "I think it would be good for you to explore," she said.

"What is your decision?" Dumbledore asked. I turned to him.


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