Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and other characters that are not recognized by the readers belong to J. K. Rowling.


Next day....

I woke up all refreshed. I remembered yesterday. I couldn't stop smiling. I was in a good mood. I got dressed and went to the Great Hall for breakfast. I had eggs, buttered toast, fruit salad, and water. I looked up to see Draco talking to his friends. I wondered if he remembered yesterday. He saw me looking and gave me a smile. I smile back at him. I finished my breakfast and started on my day.

I ran into Harry on my way to the library. "Do you believe that I put my name in the cup?" He asked. "No. I have a feeling that someone else did for you. I think you were framed," I said. "Exactly," he said. I thought of an Idea. "Do you have the name that was put in the cup by any chance?" I asked. "Yeah sure," he said. he pulled sit out of his pocket. I took the name and saw a premonition.

~Premonition begin~

I saw a person in black put the name in the cup. The person disappeared into the shadows.

~Premonition end~

"What did you see," Harry asked. "I couldn't see his or her face. The person wore black. The person put the your name in the cup and disappeared in the shadows," I said. Harry understood what I said. I could tell that he felt alone. His friendship with Ron was strained. I said my goodbyes and left to go to the library.

It was the afternoon and I was done with my chores for today at the moment. I walked around and saw Draco in the tree insulting Harry. I saw Professor Moody turn Draco in a ferret. I knew that wasn't allowed. Professor McGonagall came and turned him back and started to run. He ran slammed into me and I fell. "Ow!" I said out loud. "Beverly I'm sorry," I heard. I looked up to see Draco and his friends behind him. He offered me his hand and grabbed it. He pulled me up to my feet.

"Why are you helping that filthy squib Malfoy," His friend Goyle asked. I didn't like his friends. I tried to get Draco to let go of his hand but, he didn't let go. Instead, he pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Do you realize who her father is? Also her brother?" he asked Goyle. I didn't know what he was getting at. Goyle looked at me again. He looked at my necklace. His eyes widen. "I....I'm so sorry. Please forgive me," he said. I was shocked. A pureblood apologizing to a squib. I didn't know what to say about it. I just nodded. "I'm going back to the common room. I'll see you later," he said. He kissed my cheek and left.

Dinner time....

I heard rumors about Draco and I going around. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't even look at the golden trio in the eyes. I got confused looks from different people. Some boys were sad that i wasn't their girlfriend. Girls would give me a mean look. I got a death glare from Pansy. Draco kept looking at me to make sure that I was eating. I felt so much pressure.

I decided that I wanted to go home for therapy reason. Dumbledore allowed it. I said that I would be back for the first task. I made sure to send a letter to Draco in the morning. I packed my stuff and left to go home.

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