Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and other characters that are not recognized by the readers belong to J. K. Rowling.


Couple weeks later....

My knees were healed and I was now walking around doing my chores for today. I had food brought to me during the whole time. Matthias would come to my room and check on me from time to time. Malfoy visited a few times. We would talk for hours. I got a letter from Mother. I guess Matthias written to her about my knee injury. I wrote that I was fine and Matthias was looking after me the best that he could.

I met with Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They asked me what had happen to my knees. I told them the story about my knees and everything else that had happen. They were in a bit of shock but, they understood. They told me to be careful around Malfoy though. I understood them. They never liked Malfoy. I notice the Slytherins were not picking on me anymore. I guess Matthias told them not to. It didn't guarantee anything though.

I was walking around until I saw Slytherin's quidditch team talking to the Gryffindor's quidditch team. I saw my brother of course. He was a chaser. I walked up to them. "You have a new seeker. Who?" Oliver wood asked. I turned my head. Flint moved aside to reveal Malfoy. {Malfoy is the seeker!}

They had the new Nimbus 2001. "They were a gift from Draco's father," Flint said. Hermione said that the Gryffindor team didn't have to buy their way into the team. Malfoy turned to Hermione. "Nobody asked for your opinion. You filthy mudblood," he said. I heard people gasped. Mudblood was a word used as a insult to muggleborns. "Eat slugs," Ron said with his wand out. The spell backfired on him. He was vomiting slugs. It was gross. Harry and Hermione dragged Ron away to Hagrid's hut.

I walked up to Matthias. Matthias notice me. "Hey Bevy," he said. He called me Bevy for short. He came over to me and pat my head. "You going to practice?" I asked. "Yeah. We want to practice and train Malfoy a bit before the game," he said. I nodded my head. They left and I head to Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid's hut was at the bottom of the hill. I opened the door. "Oh, Ello Beverly," Hagrid said. "Hello Hagrid," I said. I saw Ron with a bucket. Hagrid talked about blood status a bit to Harry. I already knew about it. Squibs were considered under muggleborns. I gave Hermione a hug. "Don't worry about it too much," I told her. She gave me a smile.

It was dinner time. I was enjoying my dinner. I didn't see Harry at his table because he had detention with Professor Lockhart. After dinner, I was on my way to finish up my chores until I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione looking at the wall. I looked up and gasped. "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Enemies of the Heir, Beware." "What does that mean?" I said quietly. I looked to my left to see Mrs. Norris hanging. Students started to rush in to see the commotion. Filch came to see his cat hanging. He thought that she was dead.

The teachers and Dumbledore came and saw the words on the wall. He dismissed everyone to their dormitories. I walked away to my room.

I felt I had more things to worry about this year.


I was back at home at the institute. Things were getting worse. Mom had me in her office all day. She was becoming protective of me. She even had me sleep in her room all the time. All day I would be reading every book in her office. We had demon attacks everyday and more and more people got hurt. The Institute was becoming more dangerous.

I told her what had happen at Hogwarts. She felt that I was not safe anywhere. I assured her that I would watch my surroundings more closely. I knew how to defend myself.

I got a letter from Harry. He had won against Slytherin in quidditch. It was quidditch season at Hogwarts. He told me that they were getting attacks. Two students were petrified by something or someone.

Matthias and Malfoy sent letters as well. They were worried about my safety. I told them that I was fine. I was bored out of my mind. I was ready to go back to Hogwarts next month.

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