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Here is the new story that I am working on. comment and vote. Let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and other characters that are not recognized by the readers belong to J. K. Rowling.


It was a dark night at the Vale Manor. Helen had just given birth to a baby girl. She didn't have the baby in her arms. The baby was in a basket away from her bed. She never held the baby. She wasn't very happy about the baby.

Traditional, the baby in the Vale family usually started to show their powers before birth. The baby didn't show any magical powers during the pregnancy. The baby didn't show any ability of healing. The baby was a disappointment. It was decided that the baby was to be disown from the family once the baby was born.


"Come in," she called out the best she could from exhaustion. Martin came into the room. He looked at Helen. "It is time," he said. Helen nodded her head. She knew what was to take place. Martin took the basket in his hand and walked out of the room.

He made his way down the downs and ran into his five year old son,Matthis, in the living room playing with his toy wand. He looked up to his father. He saw the basket in his father's hand. "What's in the basket?" he said. "Nothing, son," Martin said. He made his way to the bottom of the stairs. "I will be right back," he said. Matthis gave a nodded to his father. Before his father left the door, he saw the baby inside. He didn't say anything about it.

Martin walked through the wood. He found a place to leave the basket. He hanged the basket on the tree. He gave one good look the baby. The baby was wrapped in a blanket. Her eyes were closed. He hasn't seen her eye color. Her cheeks were flushed from the cold and her lips were dark pink.

He decided that it was for the best for his family and himself. He didn't want any pureblood family to know her existence. He checked the time. It was 12: 40 pm. He decided that it was time for him to return home. He walked away to never see the baby again. What he didn't know was what was to be revealed later on.

Few hours later....

Runa Kingston was wondering in the woods of Great Britain before she head to America to accept the President of the Magical Congress of the United States offer to become the Headmistress of Casterwell Institute of the Magic. She had never dreamed to have the position. She would be the youngest headmaster in history at the age of thirty five.

She came out of her thoughts when she heard a baby's cry. She followed the cry to a tree. She saw a basket hanging from a branch. She looked inside and she started to melt. The baby was crying. She had tears running down her face.

{She looks brand new.} She took the basket off the branch. She decided to take the baby out of the basket and into her arms. She held her close to her chest. "Sh....its ok. Its ok," she said. She touched the baby's face. The baby was very cold. She took her coat off and wrapped the baby. The baby whimpered. "Thats better," she said quietly.

She looked inside the basket for any clues on who the baby was. There was none. She looked down at the baby. The baby still whimpered. The baby looked helpless. She decided to take her with her to America. She held the baby close to her and apparated to the institute.

She appeared in the Headmaster's office. She called for Madam Grace to look at he baby. Madam Grace came into the office and took the baby from her to take her to the hospital wing. The baby started to cry again. Already, Runa's maternal instincts kicked in. "I will follow. I would like to watch what you do to her," she said. "Of course Headmistress." Madam Grace said.

They walked into the hospital wing to check the baby's health. Madam Grace took the coat off around the baby and gave it to Runa. Run hunged the coat on a chair nearby. Madam took the blanket off of the baby. The baby didn't have any clothes on.

"The baby is only a few hours old," Madam Grace said. Runa felt bad for the baby. She wondered what had happen to her parents. Madam Grace quickly changed her and wrapped her in a warm blanket. The baby was still crying the whole time. When she was done, she gave the baby to Runa. Runa quickly wrapped the baby in her arm. The baby whimpered.

"It doesn't seem like she has been fed since she was born," Madam Grace said. "That is terrible. Who would not feed the baby especially the mother. The mother doesn't deserve the baby if she doesn't feed the baby," Runa said in anger. "I will prepare a bottle right away Ma'am. Please sit comfortably," Madam Grace said and left to get a bottle.

Madam Grace came a few minutes later with a warm bottle in hand. She gave it to Runa. Run gave the bottle to the baby and the baby immediately began to drink. "She must have been hungry. You poor girl," she said. The baby was done in a few minutes and she stopped crying. The baby opened her eyes and looked at Runa. "She is perfect," Runa said. "Yes Headmistress. She is," Madam Grace said.

The baby closed her eyes and started to sleep. "What is her name?" Madam Grace asked. "There was no name in the basket I found her in. I will name her Beverly," Runa said. Madam Grace nodded and walked away. Runa took the baby to her office. She conjured a crib next to her desk to keep a closer eye on her. She decided then on to adopt her as her own.

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