Chapter 5: Halloween Reveal

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and other characters that are not recognized by the readers belong to J. K. Rowling.

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It was near the end of October. A lot has happened since that night. Every night, I would get a message from Slytherin house from possibly the same person. We would message each other. We would talk about our family and our interest. The person seemed nice. I hoped I would meet him or her one of theses days. Also, I have thought about what I saw and I knew that it was a premonition. It felt too real.

It was Halloween. The Great Hall showed their celebration of the holiday. The sky was dark. Jack o lanterns were floating in the sky. There was a big feast in the Great Hall to celebrate the holiday as well. There were carrot cakes, jelly beans, apples, candies, and any other sweet treats that were for the holiday. I helped myself to a piece of carrot cake. I didn't like to eat a lot of sweets.

I saw Malfoy looking at me. He gave me a smile. That was a surprise. Him smiling at a squib. I was about to take another bite of my cake when I heard the doors open. "Troll in the dungeon," I heard. I looked up to see Professor Quirrel running toward the middle of the room. "Troll in the dungeon," he said again. Dumbledore stood up. Everyone turned to him. "For you ought to know," he said before he fainted in the middle of the room.

All the students started to panic. I was about to get up until I was pulled into a premonition.

~Premonition begin~

I saw Hermione coming out of the bathroom stall. She saw the ugly feet. Hermione looked up and notice that it was a troll. the troll took a step in front of her an she ran into the stall for cover. I saw the troll swing it's stick to the stall. I heard a scream.

~Premonition ends~

"Hermione is in the girls bathroom," I said quietly. I looked and everyone was panicking. "Siiiileeeence," Dumbledore yelled. Everyone stopped in place. He told everyone to not panic. He ordered the prefects to take the students to their houses and the teachers to the dungeon. I made my way around the the teachers table and walked out of the Great Hall. I found Harry and Ron on the way out. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Hermione, she...." Harry started to say. "In danger? I know. She is in the girl's bathroom about to get beaten by a troll," I said.

They looked at me in shock. "How do you know?" Ron asked. "There is no time. We need to move," I said. We ran to the girl's bathroom that I knew she would be in. We saw the shadow of the troll. We ran to the bathroom to see the stalls destroyed. "Hermione move," Harry yelled. Harry and Ron started to throw pieces of the broken stalls I knew first years didn't have much knowledge about defensive spells so they were in danger.

"Hey. Pea brain," Ron yelled. He threw a piece of the stall to its head. It distracted the Troll enough for Hermione to get under the sinks. The Troll saw her and slammed the stick into the sink. Hermione was able to get away. Harry approached the Troll and grabbed onto the stick. "Woah," I heard him say. He got around his neck. The Troll tried to shake him off. "Hold on Harry," I yelled at him. Harry's wand ended up the Troll's nose. "Ick," Ron said. "Yuck," I said. It was gross.

The Troll grabbed Harry's leg and pulled him to the side. The Troll swung its stick at him. Harry kept dodging each swing. "Ron, Beverly do something," Harry yelled. "What?" Ron said looking around. "Anything. Hurry up" Harry said quickly running out of strength to dodge. Ron got his wand out. "Swish and Flick," Hermione instructed Ron. "Wingardium Leviosa," Ron said. The stick floated above the Troll's head. The Troll let go of Harry.

I decided to finish the job. I brought my hand out toward the stick and motion a slam movement down to the Trolls head. The stick slammed onto the Troll's head knocking it out. Ron Harry, and Hermione came to me. "How did you do that?" Ron asked. "It has to do with my emotions," I said. They nodded.

Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Quirell rushed in. "Oh my goodness. Explain yourselves," Professor McGonagall said in shock. Hermione took the blame. Harry and Ron were awarded points. They told the professors that I helped. "Thank you Beverly," Professor McGonagall said. "Your welcome," I said. We were dismissed to our rooms.

I got into the room and checked the blackboard. I saw the board begin the show the message. "Are you alright?" I walked to the board and started writing. "Yes I am. I just helped some students stop the Troll" I wrote quickly. "Glad that you are ok," it said. "Thanks for worrying," I said. "Your welcome." "I guess I will write in December," I wrote. "Alright goodnight," it said. "Night," I wrote. Nothing appeared after. I quickly went to bed and tomorrow I was off to America.

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