Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: everything besides Beverly and other characters that are not recognized by the readers belong to J. K. Rowling.


One week later

We had a funeral at the institute. Four teachers were killed in the attack. I felt so cold. I couldn't speak. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I kept getting nightmares. I would scream and see mom's dead body in blood.

The President of the Magical Congress decided that I was to be moved to Great Britain to live with mom and dad. They were notified about the attack. It would take two months to find a new Headmaster and teachers. Also, the institute needed to be repaired.

It was Monday. Mother was coming to get me. I had my trunk ready. Mom came and hugged me tight. I couldn't think at all. She apparated me to the Vale Manor. She asked the house elf to put my stuff away. She tried to get me to eat. She would hand feed me. I only at a few bites until I shook my head. I didn't feel hungry.

At night, I would keep screaming from my nightmares. Mother and Father got worried. Mother would sleep with me which helped a bit. I needed mother a lot.

The next few days has gotten worse. Mother thought that it would be best if I stayed home from now on. She didn't think it would be good for we to work at Hogwarts in my condition. I agreed. I still haven't talked though. Nothing would come out of my mouth. The Vale family doctor said that I was traumatized by the attack. I may never be able to speak again. I would need therapy to become normal. I accepted the therapy.

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