What went down

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*before Jenna dies*
Jenna turns off her phone and heads to take a walk outside.she grabs her phone her keys and her MK handbag.She was wearing an appealing shirt with a short skirt.Jenna keeps walking until someone just killed her.
*at lab*
"The end makes no sense."Rick said confused.Then leaned over the cold metal table to re-read the last part."I know."said Detec.john. John highlighted the last part of the description "it didn't go down that way..I know it didn't."said John.Rick fleed the room when Laurie was blowing up his phone with messages to go home.Dr.daryl opened up the plastic zip lock bag and attempted to turn on the phone.then he hooked the phone to his computer and hacked the iPhone.Dr.Daryl skimmed through her Instagram and Facebook.Laughing at a few of her photos then opened up her I message. He slowly looked at all of the texts and found the last text Jenna sent to Stacy .
Then he scrolled to the top of the list to find:Sam,joe,and 345-431-6789 which Daryl realized that it didn't have a caller id.

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