Dim and Dark

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John heard the loud screeches and so did Rick.Daryl was on the last step and didn't find the iron door so he put his back on the wall and tried to feel for the light switch. Daryl felt a hand pull him into the room then a loud screech John and Rick saw that Daryl was being pulled in. Rick went beside Daryl and started to stab at random places in the dark trying to help Daryl."Sh*t!! Rick you stabbed me!"Daryl groaned Daryl clutched his free hand and grabbed his knife and stabbed the turned on the head. John pushed Daryl aside to the back so him and Rick can take down all the turned John felt around the wall trying to find the light switch when John felt a grab at his arm and pulled away then John tried again and found the light switch. John turned it on and his and Ricks eyes widened there were dozens of turned charging to come at them from Daryls noise. John and Rick took ask the turned down while Daryl stayed behind them. "I'm so sorry."Rick pleaded to Daryl helping him over dead turned"John put the dead bodies were we had that boy."Rick said over his shoulder John started to lug dead bodies in the room when he stopped and gave Rick peroxide for Daryl. Then went back to putting the dead bodies on the room. Daryl felt the sharp pain at his side as Rick teared off part of his shirt to put the peroxide on the wound.Rick tilted the bottle and poured a little bit on the cloth"Okay don't know if this will hurt or not."Rick paused and saw Daryl lift up his shirt to show the wound. Rick stabbed Daryl right below the ribs the stab was deep and blood was pouring out. Rick saw the blood stain on Daryls shirt. Rick exhaled and placed the ripped cloth on the wound."F**k,holy mother f**ker!"Daryl howled. John heard Daryl tell and shrugged"Ten more to go."John sighed, And kept going back and forth Once John was on the last one he shut the door and locked it.Then went over to Rick and Daryl. Daryl wad panting and gripping on the chair."It's okay man."John eased watching Daryl squirm around."Easy for you to say."Daryl said through his teeth. Rick peeled off the cloth and re-applied the peroxide.rick put the cloth back on Daryl wound."Do you know how the door opened."John asked Rick thought for a little."I shut the door,i know for sure some one must have did that."Rick hissed thinking of the last time he shut the door. Daryl sat there and pushed Ricks hand off I'd his wound. Daryl walked over and cut part of the chair cover and wrapped it around his body where the wound was. Rick heard a hard thump at the door and grabed out his knife he went to the bar door and got a flash light and nodded to John and Daryl as started to go up the stairs Rick turned in his flash light and climbed up the stairs. Rick pushed open the door and pointed his flash light in the dark trying to see something move around. Rick saw a little box across the street, then got all the way out to go and retrive the box.Rick walked over the street and grabbed the box. He pointed the flash light to the box and read the label Rick started to ruin inside and shut the door to show Rick and John the box.

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