Lets go explore

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John went up to the iron bar door and looked through the bars to see the stairs slowly fade int to the darkness.Then john pushed open the iron bar door and started to walk up the steps."Hey,where are you going?you're safe down here and we have enough food we don't need to waste gas and go get some."Daryl yelled from the bottom step,john turned around and looked down at Daryl."Ok.Thats fine with me I was gonna walk any way."john teased then started to go up to the heavy set of doors.John leaned his ear to the door to hear scratching outside the door.Then the scratching stopped and there was thumping and screeching like noises.John pushed open the heavy door and stabbed the hell out of the creature.wiped off his knife and walked out into the light sprinkle of rain.John looked around and saw a huddle of them in the middle of the road tearing apart what used to be a little furry animal.John heard a thud and pointed his knife to find Daryl behind him and Rick closing the iron door."why did you come out here?"Daryl harshly said.John looked behind Daryl and saw Rick examining the creature that john stabbed to death."You stabbed him really well,Daryl it looks like john is eager for killing."Rick suggested motioning Daryl to go and see the body.Daryl bent down and saw several stab markings all over the creatures body."Hey Rick what do you call these things."John asked Rick,Rick got up and faced john."I was thinking all night what to call them but I can't put a finger on it,come on I want to go far away from that silent h*ll down in that place."Rick urged Daryl got up from the body and saw the two of them."I was thinking of calling them..Never mind lets go and look around."Daryl said.Put his hand out and let drips of rain collect on his palm."Alright,let's go explore."john smiled and poured the water out of his hand to the floor.John motioned Daryl and john to be at his side They were heading down into an old park that was shut down for being to unstable.John ducked through the police caution tape right into the run down park.Daryl went second and Rick went last john looked around and saw the little building that was the head of the park."Hey,let's go in here till the rain dies down I'm soaked."john gestured toward his Wet white t-shirt.John went up to the doors of the building and waited to hear the screeching,or the scratching.Then pulled open the doors and let his eyes adjust to the dimness of the room.Rick went next to john and followed him to check every room of the place.Daryl motioned john and Rick to a locked room which faint and many screams were coming from."Alright get ready grab your knifes."Daryl whispered and broke the lock with the Knife he had.The creatures started to open the doors as john Daryl and Rick began to stab them in the head.Daryl stumbled back and one of the creatures fell on top of him letting out a screech.John grabbed out his gun and shoot the creature in the head.Daryl stayed down on the floor until fifty of the creatures were on the ground."Thanks man."Daryl exhaled Rick looked back at Daryl."Hey before we left you said something about what to call them?Instead of creatures."Rick toned Daryl went to the main room and looked out at the rain."I was thinking about calling them turned."Daryl shrugged then started to tie up the front doors with a telephone cord."I figure we'll be here awhile might as well be safe then sorry."Daryl mumbled as Rick and john toon a seat at the lounge sofas."So turned?Its better then calling them upside down cross poisoned people who got poisoned by a guy we are trying to catch creature."John kidded them watched as Daryl went to sit on the smallest piece of furniture.Rick looked out side and saw the rain pounding harder and harder."Looks like the turned are gonna have a hard time to get us in the rain."Rick added watching the rain get softer then harder again and again.Rick heard thumps at the window and decided not to go and feed them closer to where they were in the building. John heard the thumping and got up to see where the nose is coming from"Hey we're fine they can't get in don't feed them in to wanting to really come in."Rick suggested following John to the window with the view of the torn down park."ok, let's say that I don't Kill these three, and then more will come trying to come in then with all that pressure the window cracks and cracks until bam the window breaks and our safety is in the line you die Daryl died and I will die. But now let's say that I killed them none of that would happen now would it?"John questioned Rick saw the three shadows of them clawing at the window."fine do it here's a gun open the window and kill'em all three of them."Rick said pushing open the window the three turned started to charge in bit John shot all three of them."Hey what it's going on."Daryl said from the main room. John and Rick came over to Daryl and clenched up at the sight of what they saw.

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