The little game

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There was silence waiting for the time to come when they get called out to play the little game."Why does he want us to do this?"Daryl asked questioning John's amusement to the map"instead of kicking us out he wants a little fun that could kill us."Rick eased watching John look at the map." We're going to be at the abandoned park across the street where we were last time."John said pointing at his own map. Rick and Daryl lifted up their own maps and examined were the cages were right outside the doors all five of them pointing to the doors. Rick had the spot where the tall ladder is to find key number two and John had the inside of the building for key fifty Daryl had the street for key one. Key thirty was some where in the middle of the run down park and key three was by the broken window with the piled of turned."He sure thought this through."Rick said John Huffed and started you chuckle.Daryl heard a knock at the door and went up the stairs at the iron door and opened it up.Daryl saw the box right at the door and brought it with him. Put it on the table and read the note"It is almost time, the next bang you'll see no box but the five cages filled with turned. Have you're night vision goggles on."Daryl let John and Rick read the note. Daryl opened the box and found it empty. There was the knock John nodded at Rick and Daryl. John and Daryl put on their goggles while Rick fumbled with the straps and then put on the goggles. John went first then Rick then Daryl. John opened up the door and saw the five cages filed with turned all of them started to push open the cage."Holy sh*t look at this what the f*ck."John gasped looking at the temporary lock."Is that a zip tie."Daryl kidded looking at the lock. All three of then turned on the night vision and saw everything with out color."Okay let's do this."Rick said looking at his map.Daryl looked down at the street and tried to find the key. Ask he heard was the loud banging of turned inside the cages. Rick went all the way to the other dude of the park to find his key around the tall ladder. And John went inside the building to try to find his key. Daryl looked around trying to find some shiny object in the night.daryl got on the ground and started to try to feel on the street. Daryl saw on the corner of his eye was a slight reflection from light and he went over to the gutter.He came closer and saw the key at the edge of the gutter. Daryl slowly approached the key and tried Rick grab it swiftly. All Daryl did was push it closer to the hole for the waste. Daryl got on the ground and yanked at it and got a hold of it. Daryl grabbed the key and went over to the five cages.He came closer and found John there too putting the metal lock on and locking it."Hey."Daryl whispered and looked at the numbers posted on the locks. Daryl find his cage and took off the temporary lock and pushed the door with his leg hearing the loud screeches. They started to push harder and harder while Daryl was trying to get the key in unlock the lock and place it on the cage. John saw Daryl having trouble and came over to help Daryl push the door shut. Daryl unlocked the lock and slammed out onto the door then locked the lock wut the key."How did you do that by yourself?"Daryl asked looking at the cage John had. Rick saw his key at the top of the side. Rick went up the ladder and focused on the keys.He got the keys and decided to slide down he heard the screech at the bottom of the slide and stopped and tried to crawl back up. The turned got a hold of his leg and Rick fell of the slide and went tumbling down a mini hill. Rick ran off to the cages when Rick got to the cages he saw number one and fifty locked."I'm late."Rick huffed and went to put the lock on his cage Rick put his back against the cage because there was so much pressure. Rick stressed about the loud screeches and his goggles feeling tighter. Once he locked the cage Daryl and John headed his way."We have number three."John said waving the key in the air. John Rick and Daryl all had to help keep the door shut and lock it."Now we need number thirty."John added looking at his map they all knew where the key was right in the middle of all of that rumble. Some where in the center of a huge ruin down park. They all started to walk across the street to go deep inside the park."last one for tonight."Daryl eased looking around for the small key. Rick was on his hands trying to feel around for the metal eged texture."yeah!!"Rick chanted showing the key to John and Daryl. Rick got up and started to walk toward the cage, unlocked the cage and got pushed back by three turned."HELP." Rick shouted having his back up against the cage and pushing away turned. John and Daryl cane racing down to lock the cage and kill the three turned. John and Daryl went inside and Rick followed. All three of them had bread and feel asleep hoping for a calm day.

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