Almost living

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Daryl wasn't Daryl, Daryl was one of the turned John watched as Daryl came charging at John screeching and scratching. John looked at the blood shot eyes and the upside down cross on the neck. John shot Daryl in the head and stayed there and looked at the non moving body."Hey, John what is going on?"Daryl questioned looking down at John. John got up and looked at Daryl"I just killed you, you turned how can you still be alive?"John asked Daryl looked behind John to see nothing in the road."Man you need some sleep there is nothing there hey have you seen Rick any where?"Daryl asked John looked at Daryl and missed his head no."Man I think I do need some sleep."John aced Daryl looked around and tried to spot out Rick"where might he be?" John asked trying to bring the focus to Rick. Daryl thought about it "well after we hopped out of the window we stick together until rights about over there.and you of course were missing so I think Rick might be back At the window looking around for you."Daryl added John and Daryl went up the hill towards the broken window. Rick was trying to push them away more and more started to come charge out of the window. One of the turned was grabbing at his leg so Rick backed up and fell on top of the one grabbing onto his leg. Then Rick grabbed the turned's head and began to try to shove its head deep in the dirt.Then Rick felt a hard thump on his chest and panicked Rick heard the loud screech and started to push the creature off his body. Then once Rick pushed the turned off of his body he stood up and saw all the turned bodies on the ground. Rick ran over all the bodies and saw John and Daryl"Hey guys, hey!"Rick yelled waving his hand to try to get there attention. John and Daryl saw Rick they ran up and Daryl stopped John dead in his trail"that's not Rick."Daryl whispered and began to slowly back up. Rick stopped waving his hand and launched forward to catch up to John and Daryl."Hey guys why didn't you at least look at me?"Rick asked looking at John and Daryl when Rick approached then he heard them screech Rick felt his heart skip a beat as he raced away from he thought was John and Daryl Rick was now at the back of the park closer to the street that lead them back to the facility. Rick saw a red painted ladder and started to climb it the ladder was leading to the highest peak at the park where a large slide was attached on the side. Rick reached the top"hey John! Daryl! Where sure you?!"Rick screeched out of breath. John looked up at the sky and noticed that the sun was about to dry."If we can't find him soon we have to bail on him, and we can hope he comes our we can wait till tomorrow and we'll check here all day."John looked at Daryl, Daryl started to walk toward the street to get Home."ok we'll leave now, he's probably waiting for us anyway."Daryl hoped. Rick gave up yelling and only would speak if he saw two people."Did you hear that?"John asked looking at Daryl John started to look around for Rick."Here what?" Daryl questioned thinking that John completely lost it."A voice it sounded like Ricks like he's trying to get our attention." John started to listen in more to the sound around him. Rick saw two people and noticed that they looked really human like and they were male.John looked up at the highest peak of the park and saw the slide."Rick?"John called out Rick heard johns voice and looked down the ladder."Daryl! John! Where were you?"Rick yelled over the ladder, then Rick began to climb down the ladder looking down at the ground.Once Rick got to the bottom Daryl and John started to walk to the street. Rick caught up"I'm so glad that you guys showed up I was about to sleep on that peak waiting for you guys."Rick said John and Daryl said nothing for the whole walk to the street"Yeah we were about to bail in you to we were gonna come check back here tomorrow."John filed the silent air then John went up to the now fur and bones little animal."It was a squirrel."John awed Rick and Daryl hovered over John looking at the dead animal."Hey it's fine aced we need to get Home before the sun sets."Daryl warned Rick and John. Rick got up and so did John and they began to walk and head for the iron doors "Hey Rick."John said over his shoulder"yeah."Ruck groaned tiredly John examined the doors were open"I thought you shut the doors"John eased Rick pushed John aside"i did...."Rick stopped and saw the wide open doors Daryl webby in front of them and started to hurriedly go down the stairs Rick and John followed John made sure he closed the doors behind him."We need to see what is happening."Daryl rushed"Grab your knifes and get ready"Daryl added trying to see dad find his knife Daryl started to feel around for the bar like doors but couldn't find them. Daryl heard screeches and paused letting John and Daryl run into his back.

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