Caller id:345-341-6789

30 3 0

Dr.daryl tried to trace down where that person would live.with the area code 345:Cayman Islands."far from here."said Daryl.john wasn't paying attention until that moment."what's far away?"John asked."Cayman Islands."daryl responded.john then asked "from what?" Daryl swivelled his chair and said" from caller id :345-341-6789."John got up and saw Daryls computer screen scanning it until he found caller id:345-341-6789.
Unknown:hey,how you been.
Jenna:hello?who are you?
Jenna:brad,why is your area code 345?
Unknown:I'm using my friends phone.
Jenna:oh ok love you!!😘😘
Unknown:love you too!!😍😍
Detective John starred at the texts in awe.scrolling down until the bottom.2/34/15 "the last text she ever sent."said Dr.daryl."the exact same day that Jenna died."cooed John.Dr.daryl shut off of the computer and got up and left to go to the back of the lab.Then turned on the 4 huge Mac screens.One screen was pinpointing the area of the phone.Two of them were trying to track down the evidence from the crime scene the fourth put the three things together.

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