On the run

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John woke up to hearing daryl packing all of the food in the kitchen"Did you. Wake Rick up?"John asked looking at the closet door."No,I still have to pack the weapons and more food,also some flash lights."Daryl said,John went to the closet door and opened the door seeing Rick under a pile of jackets."Rick get up,Get up."John said with no enthusiasm.Rick jolted forward"Hey what is that banging sound?"Rick said tiredly then his eyes widened."Is some one trying to get in?"Rick Said then pushed up against the wall"no that's daryl we have to. Leave here and now."John said Rick got up. And went out of the closet.John went to show Rick the stagger with the wavy like shape and the golden handle.Rick stood their analyzing it."what!That is the same stagger that was used to kill jenna!"Rick yelled frozen in place."you showed him?"Daryl asked from the kitchen"yup ."John emphasized "You see this man knows we're here and we need to leave,Daryl is already packing ok Rick?Daryl got this in a box right outside the door,This person knows where we are.That is why we are leaving."John said just as Daryl went over to check the drawers and take down the security system."might need this."Daryl mumbled Rick picked up the stagger and watched the sunlight hit it."Ok,how muck has dose my car have John?"Rick asked first John looked puzzled but then realized he was the last one to use the car."Umm,half or more of a tank."John guessed,Daryl got the last screw off of the wall and packed the security equipment."all done."Daryl proudly said.john nodded"Alright,who is driving?"John asked"I will."Daryl said grabbing the keys and heading to the front door."I call shot gun."Rick gidded John chuckled and went with daryl tithe front door. Daryl unloaded the bag in the trunk and went in the driver seat,Rick went in the passenger and John was in the middle of the back seat.Daryl started the car and pulled out of the drive way onto the used to be heavily flown with traffic interstate 27."This way is shorter than tacking all the turns,it's just a straight line."Daryl said swerving on both lanes on the interstate."woo!This is fun."Daryl yelled awaking Rick"keep it down I am still tired."rick moaned Daryl pushed harder in the gas pedal as John was watching the trees and grass pass by."Stop the car."John said Daryl saw johns face and looked at the same direction."what the h*ll is that !rick get up you need to see this."Daryl froze Rick looked at John and Daryl frozen in their tracks "What bull shhh.."Rick stooped when he saw the thing John and Daryl were starring at.

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