What faith do you have?

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John got up put some black pants on but didn't worry about his white t shirt and headed out the door with a honey bun in his hand.
*at lab*
John unwrapped the honey bun as he went through the front doors of the lab.Trying to find a easy to stall from talking to Rick or Daryl."To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the lord than sacrifice.KJV proverbs 21:3" Daryl said as John walked in the room Rick was standing beside Daryl.John saw that ricks shoulder had a bandage wrapped outside of his clothes.And Rick saw that John had the rope marks on his neck."Okay.So what I did was wrong.So what it's not like it matters anyway..We all have lied,and any sin we do is even stealing is just like killing in the lords eyes."John emphasized.Daryl opened the drawer and showed John the gun."This gun,is the most painful thing you've ever felt.This gun is a special gun not allowed it is actually illegal.But not for me,the reason why I'm showing you this gun is because if I ever see you try to attempt killing yourself..And saving your a** from killing yourself this is what I will use to shoot you right in between the lungs."Daryl soothed "and I believe you wouldn't want that,so I suggest that you put some faith into yourself before I do.Its one h**l of a journey but we will find who is causing this I have faith..Rick and I have faith,what about you John do you have faith?"Daryl said showing Rick the side of the gun in his hand.john felt his throat close up at the thought of that gun."Yes,yes I have faith."John spit and Regurgitated in the trash can beside him.John realized that he needed a real meal to keep his food down.

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