When the night comes

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John peeled his eyes away from the computer screen with the horrific message on it to check the time 1:43 am
"Shit,Daryl Rick we need to go home and get some sleep."John said tiredly Rick looked at his watch and shook his head in agreement.Daryl then looked at Rick and John"Are you crazy?We just get this big lead and now you want to just head home and go to sleep!!"Daryl yelled"Yes,Daryl we need to..This can wait till tomorrow."Rick advised John nodded in agreement.Daryl starred down John"What its true you especially need it."John explained Daryl tensed up and then relaxed realizing that he probably should get some sleep Daryl hadn't slept in 24 hours."ok fine but be here at 10:00 am."Daryl huffed John and Daryl nodded in agreement.
*in the hotel*
John was laying down retracing his day to try and fall asleep thinking of all of the things that happened.John closed his eyes tightly and tried to fall asleep but couldn't.then he stopped trying and started to doze off.
Rick was struggling for air,John tried to find a way to help him out when .he got a text from the same horrific number.
Unknown:Hey your friend is fine,hopefully he'll live 😅👍
John shit off his phone and tried to give Rick cpr,when John came to turn around Daryl was there just standing there looking at Rick and John with wide eyes."come and help me!!"John commanded "I'm so so sorry."Daryl said in a trembling voice "what are you sorry f."John stopped his sentence right there when he saw Daryl lift the gun and shoot Rick in the temple.Then Daryl turned toward Rick"just drop the gun..we don't have to do this."John eased Daryl looked as if he couldn't here any of the words that John said.daryl pointed the gun towards John and shoot straight in the head
Unknown:Rest In Peace
Jon woke up with sweat on his forehead and checked his phone to see If there was any unknown texts.Then attempted to calm himself down.

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