Leaving to a new world

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Daryl woke up and went to get John "Today's the day we leave"Daryl said through the door"And who said you're the boss?" John argued opening the door and leaning on the frame."well?"john said and saw Daryl was balling his fists "We agreed on this day remember?"Daryl exhaled."Ok let's pack it up."john sighed and thought of leaving ricks last moments here, he grabbed a duffel bag and started to clear all of the drawers and the closet.Once he was finished he took the bags and went in the living room and dropped the bags on the floor. "Hey Daryl,where is the car keys so I can unlock it."john asked and waited for a response 'It should be on the coat hanger, do you remember how to get there from the closet?"daryl questioned and finished packing everything in his room,and went to the living room"Don't you just open the door inside the closet and like turn on the light?"john said and took the keys from Daryl and opened the closet door went inside and opened the hidden door when he turned on the light he went to the car and unlocked it and put the bags in the trunk then went back and started to pack the kitchen."Finished!"John exhaled and looked at the emptiness that was full of stuff.Then they turned off all of the lights and went inside of the closet door.Walked to the car and John got in the front seat and Daryl went into the passenger seat.John turned on the car and drove out on the road"Lets see where to go."john said and pushed hard on the accelerator "Yeah!"Daryl yelled as the speedometer went up to 120.John then slowly declined and started to look at all of the houses that aligned the street."Lets get a huge house."John said and started to go farther and farther away from the blood,sweat,and horror of the facility.
--------------------------------------------- END of first book look for part 2:Strangers

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