The forgiving note

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John turned off his phone and sat at the end of his bed.Running his hands through his hair and looking around in the hotel room.Then got up to look at him self in the mirror medium brown hair,light olive skin and green eyes.He went to the bathroom and took a shower.then wrapped a towel at his waist and took a shoot glass poured some whisky and took a shoot.Then opened a brief case and latched it open found a bag.Took the pill and got dressed.
*at Daryls house*
"Heeyy!Daryl how how you been."
John said leaning on the door frame"I'm fine..what is up with you?"
Daryl asked concerned."I just took a little something!"John chuckled "it's 12:00am,you should come inside."John obeyed and stumbled inside.Daryl closed the door and sat down in front of John."what little something did you happen to take?"john smiled and said "I have one more pill if you want one!" Daryl nodded and John gave him the pill Daryl examined the pill and said"you took ecstasy?"John chuckled"go on take it,there is my forgiving note."Daryl looked at John and how happy he was.daryl nodded his head"alright."and took the pill
"Come on let's go!"John patted Daryls back and urged him out the door."let's go and party!!"Daryl yelled they began walking to the club.
*at the club*
"One more shot."Daryl said John smiled "me too."John exclaimed
*next day*
John gets up in an unfamiliar room with an unfamiliar person next to him.He got up and looked in the mirror his hair was tossled and he had no shirt on."shit."John said under his breath.the strange girl got up "did we?" John asked with his heart beat in his ears."no,I tried but you stopped me."John nodded then put his shirt on grabbed his phone and saw he had two missed calls from Daryl.He unlocked his phone and read Daryls texts
Daryl:Bro,I'm f**ked up
Daryl:where are you you left with some did I.
Daryl:I didn't do her though thank god!!
Daryl:I'm at my house meet me their
John:he just woke up,and no I didn't do her too.
Daryl:ok meet me at my house
John:ok be there.
*at Daryls house*
"John I am having a horrible hangover."Daryl ram his hands through his hair"yeah me too."John said and sat in front of Daryl"we both do"daryl said.John ran over to the sink to throw up.He looked at him self and sighed."you ok man?"Daryl asked"yeah"John said."you know,your not the only one."Daryl exclaimed John throw his self out the bathroom "only one about what?"Daryl grinned his teeth "about throwing up,we need to relax today."Daryl spit out before regurgitating in a trash can."yeah probably."John said tiredly and sat at the edge of Daryls hotel bed.John laid down and spread his arms out and exhaled deeply.Closed his eyes "I'm sorry for giving you that pill."Daryl chuckled .startled John sat up"why are you chuckling?"John asked "what you said last night,it was your forgiving note."Daryl noted "I forgive you"Daryl said smoothly.john nodded and laid back down closes his eyes and stretched out his arms.

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