When the problem rolls on

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"There is no way that something could have ate him that fast,he was 200 pounds minimum in only a few hours."John said and turned his back to Daryl"Also there would have been bones left."John went down to the room and looked at the vague space there was in the place even though they have lived there for over 5 months.He looked at Ricks room then opened the door looking for the light switch.Found it then turned on the light letting it illuminate the small room.The walls were white the bed was a queen size and there was one small drawer right next to the bed.The room felt enclosed.John went to go and look in the drawers to find anything useful the first drawer he opened He struck gold.After digging through clothes at the bottom were three pieces of paper John put the paper up to the light and saw the black ink formed in words.He peaked out the door and saw Daryl sitting at the table dozing off.John quietly opened the door and opened the first piece of paper.John read'I am weak.I am miserable.'Through out the whole page placed the first piece down on ricks bed and looked at the second piece of paper it read'Even if I live I will never be happy.Even if I live I will never be happy."Through out the whole page,John placed the second piece on the bed.Then John saw the third piece looked like it had something in it so John started to unroll the paper and saw two bloody bullets and started to read the paper'HERES A LITTLE TRINKET FROM RICKS DEAD BODY."John dropped the bullets and the paper and looked at his finger tips covered in ricks dead blood.John started to stumble backwards until he crashed into the wall and started to yell"Rrrriickks blood!Hhhiiss blood!" Daryl barged in and looked at John "What happened?"Daryl said calmly as John just shook his head and balled up. Daryl saw two pieces of paper on the bed and one on the floor and two bloody small objects."What are those?" Daryl went to pick one up when John yelled "Stop,No no no."daryl looked at John as he stared harshly at the two objects and then looked at his hands and got pailer."What happened?Why are your'e hands bloody?" Daryl asked again and John just shook his head and balled up even more.Daryl looked at the paper on the floor and began to read it'HERES A LITTLE TRINKET FROM RICKS DEAD BODY' and looked at the objects then picked one up and examined it"No!No that is b.a.d"John shakily said as Daryl finally knew what they where.The two bullets that Rick used two kill himself with.Daryl then ran the thought through his head :the bullets...The bullets.........

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