What's in the box?

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John and Daryl saw Rick race down to sit at the table Rick pulled out a box and placed it on the table. John got up and saw the little box on the table. Daryl attempted to get up and see the box bit felt his side piercing so he stumbled back on the chair."what dose the note say."Daryl asked examining a anal note on top of the box.Rick looked at the box."it says one two three thirty fifty?"Rick assured Daryl John had a knife and gave it to Rick to open the box. The inside had black wrapping which Rick impatiently ripped off to find another note and a baggy with something in it." The numbers on the first note are the ones that will really help you.I bet you can guess who I am and now I know where you live, that's how those tons of turned got in here there my creation after all. Rick you where the one that I sent the text to right? When John and Rick where in a coma, funny how things change so fast.I placed those turned there to let remember what I am capable of, remember that.The numbers are for what all you three will be doing tomorrow I want you three to know a little more about me."Rick read then placed the note right next to the other and opened up the baggy three pills cane rolling out the bag onto the table. John's eyebrows furrowed and Daryl tilted his head in confusion.Rick scanned the box for a note about the pills but found nothing."Hey the baggy said something on the back."John advised Rick where it says to and from there was another side note. Rick exhaled and read" take these for your pain Daryl, It is the strongest pain reliever in the world just taste it with water no food."Rick looked at the pills and handed them to Daryl how examined them." Hmm. I'm not sure if he wants to kill you or make you better for tomorrow Daryl."John said processing the information of all the notes. Daryl shrugged and get the stabbing pain on his side."I don't care in going to take them if I die kill that man for me."Daryl sneered and took all three of the pills.Daryl felt high he knew how being high felt. In his room all he did was stare up at the ceiling and think of what he would have to do tomorrow. He started to laugh at the fact he would do something tomorrow then Daryl started to slowly pass out."Hey man you got more pills saved some wrap for your wound."John whispered then began to get Daryl up and out of the bed. Daryl moaned and sat up rubbing his eyes and looking around. It was already morning and now they have to do that thing from the note."Come on man."Daryl groaned and got out of bed and slummed his way to the table. Daryl saw the pills and wrap"Get man you should take a shower me and Rick already did."John said watching Daryl look at the pills. Daryl webby to the bathroom and saw a towel and clothes ready for him. Once Daryl was fine he got the wrap and applied it put his shirt and pants on and went back to the table more awake"Hey where it's Rick."Daryl asked sitting on the table taking the the pills. John handed Daryl a plate and sat down In front of him."He is in his room."John eased Daryl took a bite of his food and raised an eyebrow.john already knew what he was about to say."He is in there because he is supposed to wear some weird thing in the box."John said looking at Ricks room door.Rick came out stomping and glaring at John and Daryl."John you remember the bag that had my name on it it also has yours and Daryls there is one for each of us."Rick said nodding to Daryl and handing them each a black bag Daryl felt around the bag it was a weird shape."Well where is yours?"Daryl asked looking at Rick"I want you to see what it is for yourself."Rick said taking in the table John and Daryl opened up the bag. It was a camera.it was a night vision camera that they would put over their eyes to see in the dark, it would also would record what they were doing and send it back to the main source."He's gonna make us do it at night?"Daryl questioned John teased up"Worst of all we're going tutu be watched the whole time."John yelled all three of them knew exactly how it functions they all had seen these at crime cases."was there any clue about the numbers or what would we be doing?"Daryl asked looking at the notes from last night John got up and went over to Daryl pointing at a new note."That's what we will be doing I had to show you you wouldn't believe me."John rushed looking at the night vision goggles. Daryl picked up the note and began to read"The numbers are clues, Like a game you will play this game if you don't good night, these numbers will have a key to them find the key with the right number and lock one of these five cages corresponding to that number. The cages have about 50 turned in them there is a temporary lock (more like a piece of yarn) To give you time to find the number."Daryl mumbled then looked at John and Rick"There's no map?"Daryl saw John and Rick shrug. There was a bang on the door Daryl John and Rick knew that it was another box. Daryl decided he would go and when he went to the top he saw the box with a turned rope around its neck and the box shared the same tops the box was tied to the walker. Daryl grabbed his knife and went up to the turned and stabbed it in the head. Daryl went inside and showed John the box. John got the box and started to open it as Daryl went back to his breakfast."yes!!"John yelled and have John and Daryl a folded up paper."We got maps."John hooted and read the map"All of us find three and thirty together, by myself I have to find fifty."John mused and looked at Rick and Daryl."I got one."Daryl teased Rick yawned"I got two."Then Rick went to get the box and place it with the other several boxes.

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