"Umm may I sit here?" Aura looked up, seeing Hyunjin standing in front of her, waiting for her to remove her bag from the other chair so he could sit beside her.

Aura's cheeks and ears instantly started turning red from awkwardness however she nodded faintly at him, removing her bag from the chair to allow him to sit beside her.

While she was mentally hoping for Hyunjin to not notice her too obvious red cheeks and ears and save herself from looking like a dumbass in front of him, he cleared his throat to start a conversation in order to not let the atmosphere remain more awkward.

"So like, you guys were born and brought up in Australia or something?"

Aura shakes her head. "We were born here and did our elementary schooling too from here. But then dad got a new job in Australia so we had to move away, When we were like 5-6 years old maybe?" Hyunjin nodded in understanding.

"So like is there some specific reason your family moved back again?"

"Umm it's only Lixie and I who came back to Korea. Dad is staying in Australia because of his job. We both came back here because it was our mom's last wish." Aura smiled sadly.

"Oo....wait- what do you mean last wish?"

"Uhh, our mother... died two years ago. Like due to heart problems. She always said she wanted us to settle where we started our lives from.... so once she left, we thought it was best if we fulfil this wish of hers."

"Oh am sorry. I shouldn't have asked you this question" Hyunjin's expression saddened, seeing Aura trying to hide her emotions to not seem vulnerable. Aura waved her hand in the air, indicating it was alright.

Aura and Felix were somewhere already knowing they'd have to face their mother's death someday given that the doctors had already stated there was no way they could save her. But there was still this small flicker of hope, that she'll be fit and healthy as before and stay with them forever.

However that hope was shattered into pieces when they finally had to face the day of their mother's death, though too soon than they had anticipated.

Apart from their mother, if someone understood Aura and gave her strength, it was Felix. He had always been the sweetest brother. Not even caring when his friends teased him about being too cuddly and fluffy with his sister, when according to his friends, he technically should have been a brother who would annoy his sister without any reason and fight with her for all the dumb shit possible, because they see THAT as a perfect sibling relationship.

Felix was definitely all Aura could wish for in a brother. He took care of her, adored her and babied her, despite being just an year elder, despite studying in the same year as her.

Their father had always been busy with work so as soon as they heard about their mother's illness, Felix took the responsibility of caring for Aura like their mom did, and so he did, being all mature but also a baby, being Aura's sunshine.

Before they could talk more, the bell rang, signalling the start of the lesson Aura absolutely hated, Math.

After around 30 minutes since the lesson started, Hyunjin, who was too focused on solving the questions assigned to them, noticed Aura chewing the tip of the pen, her eyebrows furrowed and her head resting on her palm. She seemed somewhat confused and clueless.

Hyunjin had understood by now that Aura was a socially anxious kid so there was no way she was gonna ask her doubt in front of the whole class, so he decided to help her, not trying to show off or something but doing exactly that.

"You've been doing right. You just need to multiply the brackets to see if something gets cancelled out and it'll get you the correct answer." Hyunjin explained her. Aura looked up at him and nodded, giving him a smile. She immediately did as told by Hyunjin and the answer came out right.

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