"Yeah we just came back after seeing mom. We're now cooking lunch, all mom's favourite food" Aura told Hyunjin over the phone.

"Did you tell your mom about me?" Hyunjin giggled.

"I did! I even showed your picture to her. I think she likes you" Aura let out a small laugh as well.

The couple talked for a while more before Aura hung up the phone to go help her brother with the cooking.

"Lixie what shall I help you with?" Aura asked, rolling up her shirt sleeves.

Felix looked at her and immediately decided he had to talk to her right now. Their dad wasn't home at the moment so it'll make comparatively easier for Felix to explain everything to Aura without her getting too mad.

"Aura let's talk" Felix said, softly holding Aura's hands.

"What is it Lixie? Are we okay?" Aura asked to which Felix nodded.

"I gotta tell you something, let's go sit in your room-"
Even before Felix could complete his sentence, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it" Aura said and walked to the door, opening it only to find her dad and another woman standing there with warm smiles. Her brows furrowed in confusion before she let out an awkward smile and made way for both of them to enter.

Felix softly sighed as soon as he saw his dad and the woman. He knew what was gonna happen.

"Is the food ready? Shall we dig in?" Their dad asked with a bright smile and Aura unconsciously smiled as well. She saw her dad smiling happily after so long, it warmed her heart.

While Aura and Felix did the plating for the food, their dad and the woman Aura was waiting to be introduced to helped setting up the table.

Felix stole glances at Aura once in a while. He wondered how was she gonna react to everything that'll unfold in a while.

"Okay shall we start eating?" Their dad said, rubbing his hands together once the table was all set with the delicious food in front of them.

They all sat, Aura and Felix on one side of the table, beside each other and across from them, their dad and the woman.

"Oh? Thai Curry? Isn't this your favourite?" Their dad said, smiling at the woman beside him and the little smile that adorned Aura's and Felix's face disappeared.

"Woah fried rice as well? I love this! Thank you my kids. You both cooked our favourites" their dad smiled at his kids.

"It's okay dad but all the food cooked today is mom's favourite" Felix said, upset how their dad couldn't even make that out. Aura was just plain disappointed.

It hurt how their dad knew what the woman's favourite is but not their mom's. Who was she anyway?

"Dad, if it's not rude to ask, can you please introduce her to us?" Aura said, giving a small smile to the woman.

"Oh yes! How did I forget that" their dad said and wrapped an arm around the woman's shoulder.

"So Aura and Felix, this is Victoria and we've been together for a few months now" their dad explained and Aura instantly kept her spoon down.

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