Aura and Hyunjin walked to school holding hands. Their morning had been beautiful with them waking up next to each other. They cooked and ate breakfast together. It all felt so surreal.

As they neared the school gates, they could see the others jumping and waving at them aggressively. As soon as they got closer to them, Jisung instantly pulled Aura in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much bestie" He said.

"I missed you too Hannie" Aura said hugging him back.

After Jisung pulled away, the others hugged Aura one by one too.

"How have you been shorty?" Seungmin said, flicking Aura's forehead.

"I was doing well because you weren't there to annoy me" Aura said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Yeah that's a good way of saying 'I miss you' " Seungmin replied.

"No love for me guys?" Hyunjin said and everyone looked back at him with disgusted faces before walking further leaving him behind.

He stomped his feet like a 3 year old and ran to them, putting an arm around Yibo.

After the school got over, all of them decided to go to Chan's and Jeongin's place. Jeongin used his spare keys to get them all in since Chan wasn't home from work yet.

"I'll go inform Chan hyung that am home. By then someone call Changbin hyung to come over as well." Jeongin stated.

As the sun was setting and the sky was changing colour, all of them were sprawled on the floor in the living room, some on the sofa as well. They had ordered good food for dinner and so all of them overate and couldn't move an inch now.

While they were all talking and laughing about random stuff, the doorbell rang. Groaning, Seungmin got up to open the door, only to find Seoyeon and Minho standing there.

"Woah omg what a surprise!" Seungmin exclaimed loudly with eyes wide. The others got their curious asses up and peeked towards the door.

As soon as Aura spotted Seoyeon and Minho, she ran up to them and hugged them both.

"Seoyeonie I missed you so much" Aura said, clinging onto Seoyeon's arm.

"I missed you too bestie" Seoyeon said, smiling at her best friend.

"Okay let me meet my girlfriend too. I missed her as well" Yibo whined.

"Is it too late to go out somewhere?" Aura asked. It was already dark but Aura wanted to visit somewhere with Seoyeon.

"Where do you want to go noona?" Jeongin asked.

"Our preschool, Seoyeon and mine" Aura replied and Seoyeon immediately looked at her.

It seemed like the perfect idea. After their argument, they had not even met each other until now. This would be the perfect time to visit there.

"Can we tag along?" Hyunjin asked, referring to Yibo and himself.

"No" Seoyeon deadpanned.

"Please? Its dark anyway, I don't wanna leave you both out alone." Yibo reasoned.

"Yeah girls, take them along. Its much safer that way even if you return too late" Chan explained and the girls nodded.

All four of them left for the girls' preschool which was at like a 20 minutes drive. While the cab drove them towards their destination, they catched up on all that they've missed.

Upon reaching the destination, they had to persuade the caretaker of the area to atleast let them in the main ground area if not the school building.

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