"Lixie? Is it out?" Aura asked, peeping inside Felix's room. It had been a month since they took the university entrance exam, the high school final exam already done a month before it.

"Not yet" Felix said, refreshing the site again and again. The results were about to come out any time now.

"OH- AURA IT IS HERE!" Felix exclaimed loudly and Aura rushed to him.

"Can you check it for me?" Felix asked, obviously nervous. Aura nodded and checked for her brother's results. She was nervous too. She knew how desperately Felix wanted to clear the exam.

"Lix.." She let out in a small voice as she stared at the screen.

"What?" Felix asked anxiously as he paced around his room, afraid to look at the laptop screen himself.

"Did I make it? Please tell me I did" Felix sounded desperate.

Aura finally let the news sink in as she screamed in happiness.

"YOU MADE IT LIXIE! YOU GOT THE ADMISSION!" Aura said as she jumped on the bed. Felix immediately came to check the results himself, not quite able to believe what he heard.

Tears pricked his eyes as he clearly saw how he was accepted in the university now.

"I made it Aura.." Felix said as Aura threw herself in his arms, hugging him as tight as she could.

"You made it to KNPU" Aura said happily as she pressed a kiss on Felix's cheek.

KNPU- Korean National Police University. Felix was a part of it now.

"Am so proud of you" Aura told him sincerely.

Felix let the biggest smile adorn his face as he twirled around with Aura in his arms. He was now one step away from his dream of becoming a police officer.

"Call Changbin! I'll text the others" Aura said as she handed Felix his phone, the latter immediately dialing his boyfriend's cell.

Everyone congratulated Felix but Seungmin was yet to know about the same. A week after their high school exams, Seungmin had auditioned for JYP, the same company Hyunjin couldn't get into. Seungmin had successfully passed the audition with the remark that his vocals were angelic and could be perfect with a little practice. He was now a trainee at JYP.

Everything seemed to be perfect now. Just how they all wanted it to be. Seoyeon and Jisung had successfully made it into the top university of the country together, the former a psychology major while Jisung a music production student.

Truth be told, it wasn't easy for them to get in the university considering it's one of the toughest to get into. However, they'd been working their asses off for the same, of course their year long hardwork had to pay off.

Yibo was successfully accepted in one of the leading sports university of the country and was shifted to the dorms as well since his parents had now gone back to China.

As for Aura and Hyunjin, they both made it to the same university. Aura did try for SNU but she didn't make it, losing a lot of marks in Korean History. She didn't quite complain about it considering she got admitted into the same university as her boyfriend, who chose art and design to major in while Aura chose business, something she'd always been interested in.

Now that everything was settled, and they all could finally breathe in relief without worrying about results, they all decided to celebrate. And what's better of a place than Chan's for them?

So they all arrived at Chan's while the eldest happily prepared food for them with the help of Jeongin and Minho. Changbin too although he was not much of help.

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