Hyunjin got up to get ready for school. He took a nice warm shower and changed into his uniform.

"Hyunjin-ah, come downstairs to eat. The breakfast is ready" Hyunjin heard his mom's voice and went downstairs.

"Good morning mom and dad"

"Good morning Hyunjin. Did you sleep well?" Hyunjin nodded.

"Oh right! I'll come home a little late in the evening today. We're going to Chan hyung's place" his parents nodded.

"I'll be leaving for the U.S. next week Hyunjin-ah" Hyunjin's dad announced.

"Next week? But you said you came back for a whole month. It's been only two weeks~" Hyunjin whined.

"I know Hyunjin, am sorry. Something urgent came up and it can't be delayed, so I need to leave early" Hyunjin nodded with a grim expression on his face and got up to leave for school.

"Hyunjinie, finish your breakfast son"

"No mom, I don't feel like eating. I'll eat something at school"

He walked to his school with hands in his pockets and earphones plugged in. He needed to get his mind off of things and relax. And to him, music was the best stress buster.

As his school came in sight, he saw Aura and Felix walking hand in hand, ahead of him. He jogged to them to walk with them inside.

"Good morning guys" Felix and Aura replied the same words back with a smile, both siblings having identical eye smiles.

"What class do you have right now Felix? Aura and I have math" Hyunjin said, walking beside Aura, towering over her due to their height difference. Aura looked up at him with a slightly irritated expression.

"What the fuck? We have math? Right in the morning?" She asked and Hyunjin nodded.

"Ughh am gonna lose braincells" Felix and Hyunjin both chuckled at the tiny dramatic soul walking between them.

"You don't even have any" Felix teased and Aura glared at him playfully.

"Shut up" She replied.

"Don't worry I'll help you out whenever you get stuck" Hyunjin smiled at her. Aura scoffed.

"That means you'll have to help me out during the entire lesson" she sulked.

"Why did you take math in the first place tho?"

"Because am an imbecile"

"Hey! You'll do well it's okay. It's the last year of high school anyway, you can always study something else in college" Felix patted his sister's head, trying to reassure her. Aura acquiesced.

They stopped by the lockers to get their stuff out with Aura whining almost every minute about how much she hates math.

[ Are you here yet?>

Aura texted Seoyeon. She replied after a minute.

<Am running a little late. You go ahead, I'll meet you after the first class ]

[ Okayy>

Seoyeon and Aura had talked to each other till almost over midnight the night before. They seemed to have gotten too close already. They talked about everything, telling each other stuff about themselves and realised how much similar they were. How common their tastes and thoughts were. They already knew they were gonna be inseparable in a short while.

The bell rang, signalling the start of the classes. Aura hugged Felix and he walked off to his biology class that he shared with Seoyeon.

Hyunjin and Aura both walked to the math class. They entered the room and Aura took a seat beside the window. Hyunjin sat beside her.

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