"Goodbye Minho, Am leaving" Seoyeon said, putting on her coat and shoes to leave for school.

"Alright have a great day" Minho hugged his sister and placed a kiss on the crown of her head. She smiled and nodded, heading out of her apartment.

As soon as she stepped down the stairs, she saw Yibo standing there. Seoyeon was kinda flustered. She definitely wasn't expecting him to be here.

"Hey what are you doing here?"

"Oh good morning! I came to walk to school with you"

"Why tho? You never did that before" Yibo just shrugged his shoulders. They started walking beside each other when Yibo suddenly held her hand. Seoyeon's eyes widened and she looked up at him, her cheeks already a deep shade of red.

"What are you doing?" She managed to let out

"Holding your hand so you don't trip and fall like a dumbass"

"Am not a baby" Seoyeon rolled her eyes.

"Oh yes you are" the boy beside her remarked.

Seoyeon didn't say anything more but just looked ahead, feeling too weak due to all the adrenaline rush. She didn't want Yibo to see her blushing face and know the effect he has on her, however she was too positive to be hoping that.

"Why are you blushing?" Yibo leaned down to her level, bringing his face closer to hers and scrutinising her features. A low gasp left Seoyeon's mouth at the sudden closeness.

"Hey! Stop it! Am not blushing!" Seoyeon smacked Yibo's forehead.

"Oww! I clearly saw that but well, whatever floats your boat miss"

Honestly, Yibo wasn't in a good state himself. His heart was beating way too fast. He doesn't even know how he got the courage to hold her hand in the first place. But once he did, he certainly didn't want to let go.

He was loving the effect he had on her. Seeing her flustered face gave him hopes that maybe the girl beside him liked him back. Maybe the cold behaviour towards him was just a show. This wasn't the first time Seoyeon was in this state because of him. He had noticed several times before how their closeness affected her.

He wanted to confess to her, To tell her how he likes her since two years already. He feared that if he confesses and got rejected, he might even lose Seoyeon as a friend, and he, never in a lifetime, was willing to let that happen.

But now that he was getting little hints from Seoyeon unintentionally, he was starting to believe Seoyeon feels the same for him, and he didn't want the chance of confessing to her slip, before it gets too late.

"Geez your hands are so cold Seoyeon-ah" Yibo put their intertwined hands in his jacket pocket, making Seoyeon even more red. She cleared her throat and started a conversation to not let the awkwardness take over.


"Lixieee~ hurry your ass! We'll be late you idiot" Aura whined, already done with putting her shoes and coat on and waiting for her brother to come.

"Sweetie it's not my fault if you took like 20 minutes just to wake up and sleep again while brushing your teeth" Felix said, heading to the fridge in a hurry to get two chocolate milk cartons since they didn't have the time to eat breakfast.

"Honestly how can one even sleep while brushing their teeth? You sure are really weird peanut"

"You know I was completing the articles and slept late yesterday"

"Yea whatever, let's get going or we'll be really late"

They left their apartment in a hurry and walked towards the bus stop. Usually they walk to school but since they didn't have the time for it this morning, they decided to take the bus.

Once they settled in the bus, they sipped on their chocolate milk to feed their empty tummies.

"Is the job too tiring?" Felix asked Aura, who was sitting beside him, on the window seat. Aura shook her head.

"It's just that I have to write a lot of articles even when am super stressed or not in the mood to write. But your job must be more tiring. I just have to sit and write while you literally have to be on toes, walking around all the time"

"Ah no it's okay. It's fun actually. I like my job" Felix smiled.

Aura and Felix have been working part-time. Aura works for various newspapers and magazines, writing articles for them on a daily basis, while Felix works in a cafe.

Their dad does send them money every month but the siblings think they should be earning their basic necessities on their own and not depend on their dad, who is already struggling with money issues due to all the money he had to spend and the loans he took for their mom's multiple surgeries and expensive medications when she was alive.

Aura and Felix made to school in time and headed to the locker to get their stuff for the first class, that was English, common with all their friends.

They entered the class and found all the others already present. They sat with them and talked about things, waiting for the lesson to start.

After the one hour lesson got over, everyone got up to leave the class and head to the cafeteria for a quick eat before the next class started. That's when one of the classmates, who Seoyeon did the summer project with the previous year, called for her.

"Seoyeon! Can you maybe help me take these stuff to the staff room?"

"NO" Yibo answered in quite a loud voice even before Seoyeon could say anything. Shocked by his reaction that might seem a bit weird, he tried to cover up.

"I- I mean we're going to eat something"

"It's okay Yibo, am anyway not hungry." Seoyeon replied and went to the boy who asked for her help.

Yibo gritted his teeth but nonetheless went to the cafeteria with the others. He took two sandwiches and hurriedly exited the canteen with an excuse to give the sandwich to Seoyeon.

As soon as he reached the end of the hallway, he found Seoyeon coming back from the staff room with the boy. They were smiling and laughing together. Yibo certainly felt jealous and went towards them.

"Seoyeon-ah, come with me"

"What happened-" Before Seoyeon could speak further, Yibo started dragging her to the janitor room, at the end of the hallway.

"Yibo leave me! What's wrong with you?"

"Do you like him?" Yibo asked, staring right into Seoyeon's eyes.

"Like who?"

"That boy Seoyeon! The one you were just now with"

"What? No I don't! Why are you being like this Yibo?" Yibo sighed.

"Seoyeon-ah don't focus on other guys please"

"What? What is that supposed to mea-"

"I like you Seoyeon" Seoyeon's eyes widened slightly and before she could even process Yibo's words, he stepped closer cupping her face and leaning in to kiss her. He stopped right before her lips, looking at Seoyeon for her consent. Seoyeon closed her eyes, giving him the consent he wanted and felt his lips on her's.

There were weird sensations in her stomach, exactly what they call butterflies. This feeling was new to her but she would be lying if she said she didn't like it. She would be lying if she said she didn't like the man kissing her.

She clutched his jacket with her hands, and kissed him back, not caring about the ringing of the school bell, not caring about anything but just the moment they were having together.


Wow I totally suck at writing romantic scenes.

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