It was Saturday evening. Felix was preparing the necessary stuff required to make brownies, while Aura was lying on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

"Peanut get your lazy ass moving and get ready, don't you have to meet Hyunjin?" Felix said, looking at his sister who was sprawled on the couch.

"I think I should cancel the plan. I wanna spend time with you and Changbin" Aura teased Felix.

"WHAT? NO! I mean- your boyfriend will be sad, you should go spend time with him yeah?"

"Am thinking of inviting Hyunjin home itself. What do you say?"

"Auraaa stop teasing mee" Felix whined, making Aura chuckle.

"Okay okay lixie, am gonna go get ready"

Aura changed into a pair of black jeans and one of Felix's shirt, tying her hair into a high ponytail, and left her room to go meet her boyfriend.

"Hi Aura~" Changbin, who was now in the kitchen with Felix, greeted Aura. Aura smiled and went to hug him, returning the greeting.

"Hey why do you keep on stealing my clothes?" Felix said, looking at his sister wearing his shirt.

"I like your fragrance lixiee"

"Pfft since you're being cute, am gonna let this go. But you're gonna wash my shirt after use, iron it and keep it back at it's- hey come back! Am not done yet!" Felix said to Aura, who was wearing her shoes, ready to head out.

"Sorry, I can't keep my boyfriend waiting, bubye"

"Tch this brat" Felix laughed slightly, getting back to cooking the brownies.

"Hyung add some milk in this please" Changbin did as per told.

"Do you not add the chocolate chips?" Changbin asked.

"Yep, we're gonna add that once we're done with making the dough"

"Honestly am loving how we're baking together, it's cute!" Felix smiled at his boyfriend, who in return pecked his lips, taking Felix by surprise.

"Sorry you looked really adorable so I couldn't resist" Changbin said, rubbing his nape, making Felix giggle.

< Come soon, am downstairs]

Aura read Hyunjin's text, while descending the stairs. Once she found Hyunjin standing at the foot of the stairs, waiting for her, a big smile adorned her face and she hopped down the remaining stairs.

Hyunjin smiled at her but soon was flustered when Aura pinned him to the wall behind him, with both of her hands on either sides of his neck, their faces dangerously close.

"Do I intimidate you Hwang Hyunjin?" Aura, who was standing on the second stair in order to reduce the height difference between them, asked, trying to act all cool and badass.

"Yes you do Lee Aura" Hyunjin, who was trying everything to control his laughter, said.

Not to mention, his heart was beating too fast considering how close their faces were and how Aura was literally leaning onto him entirely, with their bodies tightly pressed against each other.

"You know I always wanted to do this to my boyfriend" Aura said, giggling.

"Do what?" Hyunjin smirked and snaked his hand around Aura's waist.

"This, pinning you to the wall this way, and acting all intimidating... although I don't know what to do further"

"Shall I tell you what happens further?" Hyunjin said and in no time, pinned Aura to the wall, the way she did to him, her back stuck to the wall and no space between Hyunjin's and her body. Aura was dumbfounded. Well, this was not how she planned this shit to go. This was too much for her heart.

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