It was 10 am and Aura was back in Korea after a 10 hour long flight journey. With messed up hair and sleepy eyes, she walked outside the airport after collecting her luggage only to find Chan waiting for her.

"Oh?" She looked at him confused. Chan smiled at her and came up to her giving her a warm hug.

"Felix told me you're coming back so I came to pick you up" Chan said, adjusting Aura's hair for her.

"Everyone else knows am back?" Aura asked, to which Chan nodded.

"I told Jeongin in the morning before he left for school so it's natural everyone knows now as well" Aura nodded at him and hugged him again. She missed Chan and the others. Even if it was just 4 days that she was gone for, she couldn't help but miss them all terribly. They all were her safe place now, her home.

"Have you eaten?" Chan asked and Aura shook her head in negative.

"I was too tired and drained since yesterday" Aura replied.

"I figured that out, let's go eat something" Chan said, leading Aura to his car and they drove away to a nearby restaurant.


It was a chaos among others at school. Everyone was excited and upset at the same time. Excited because Aura was back and they could finally meet her and upset because Felix was yet not back, they somewhere knew everything that had happened and they felt bad for Aura and Felix.

Seoyeon and Minho weren't back from Gimpo yet. They were supposed to be back on the weekend but their father suddenly fell sick and they had to extend their stay.

Hyunjin couldn't concentrate in classes at all. He wanted to see Aura so bad. He was waiting for the recess so he could go talk to Aura and ask if he could come over after school.

"Hyunjin, you should concentrate" Yibo whispered, nudging Hyunjin who was sitting beside him and constantly fidgeting with things.

Aura had agreed for him to come over and so he couldn't wait for the school to end now.

"I don't know what to do, am really happy that I'll get to see her much earlier than I thought but I also know she has a lot going on in her mind." Hyunjin said, simultaneously checking if the teacher was looking at him.

"It's okay, she'll be fine. Go meet her and shower her with a lot of love, she'll feel better for sure" Yibo said, patting Hyunjin's knee.

"I'll take ice cream and chocolates for-"

"Hwang Hyunjin, do you want detention?" The teacher yelled causing Hyunjin to flinch. He apologised and went back to focusing on the lesson, trying at least. He couldn't get detention today.

Their last class for the day finally got over and Hyunjin sprinted out the gates as fast as he could. He was salty about how their teacher kept them in for 6 minutes extra because they had to explain something.

As he reached the gates, he found everyone already there. He just said them all a quick goodbye and ran towards Aura's house, buying some snacks on the way.

The others had decided to meet Aura the next day in school itself. They wanted to give the couple some time to themselves. Hyunjin anyway would throw a fit if they all didn't give them enough time together.


Aura was laying in her bed, rolling around and clutching her stomach, she was on her periods and the cramps were really bad. At that point, she considered jumping off a cliff to be a better option than laying there, wincing and groaning in pain.

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