"Hyunjin, are you okay now?" Aura asked once she saw Hyunjin had stopped crying.

"Yeah, I'm sorry this was pretty embarrassing" Hyunjin said as he sat up straight, refusing to look into Aura's eyes.

"Hey! It's not embarrassing! It's okay, you've seen me cry too" Aura said, caressing Hyunjin's hand. Aura just sat beside him against the mirror in silence, this time not pestering him to say anything. She dropped a quick text to Felix and Hyunjin's mom that she had found Hyunjin and that they'll head back in a while. As asked, Felix headed back home, now relieved that Hyunjin was okay.

"You know a few days ago, while I was practicing here, a group of people came and they had this vibe that immediately explained they were trained dancers. I was still practicing but they all had their eyes on me and I got nervous and messed up. They said.. I was terrible at dancing but that I don't have to worry because my face would save the day and it doesn't matter if I dance well or bad because in the end my looks would be the only thing mattering." Hyunjin sniffled as he let everything out.

"Aura, I wanna be more than just looks, I wanna show I've got much more than that. Why do people not recognize me for that? Why is my hardwork never acknowledged?"

Aura felt bad for Hyunjin. She'd seen how hard he worked, for anything he did. Be it studies, art or dancing, she'd seen how he was always so harsh on himself. It felt as if he was almost close to giving up because at the end he was back to square one.

"The only reason I started dancing was to prove that I am worthy but it feels like I am losing" Aura put her arms around Hyunjin, pulling him close. Hyunjin hugged Aura back with his arms around her waist and his head on her chest.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay Hyunnie. You're doing amazing. People do see how worthy you are. Don't focus on what some random people said" Aura reassured Hyunjin, weaving her fingers through his hair. Hyunjin just sighed and Aura felt there was more to it.

"There's more to it right?"

"This didn't happen only once. After that day, I practically found them here every time I practiced. And they always just say I suck at dancing and that am just not meant for it. I even tried changing rooms but I just couldn't forget all that they've said, I still can't.."


"I tried auditioning for JYP.."

"What? When?"

"Last week. Am sorry I didn't tell you. I was scared if I didn't pass the audition, you'll be disappointed"

"Hyunjin ohmygod- why would I be disappointed? I am your girlfriend Hyunjin and am not dating you because of your looks or because of your dancing. Am dating you because I love you. Why would I be disappointed in you?"

"I don't know am just- am sorry"

"Hey! it's okay Hyunnie you don't have to be sorry! but tell me what were the results? Did you make it?" Aura asked expectantly.

"No I didn't. They said I need to practice a little more"

"Are you sad?" Aura asked the obvious question. She wasn't sure what else to say in this situation.

"Yeah I mean not really. I wanted to prove those people I can be more than a visual. Am happy I was judged based on my dancing instead of looks but it would have been better if I made it. That would have been enough to shut the mouths of those people at studio."

"Tell me honestly though, do you even want to become an idol? Why are you running towards something you don't even want?" Hyunjin stayed quiet at this.

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