It had been a fortnight since Aura and Hyunjin started dating. Things between all the four couples were pretty cute. However the girls at school couldn't stop troubling Aura and Seoyeon because they were the 'girlfriends of the two visual kings'.

The school finally got over and everyone was now heading home. All of them stopped at the main gate, to bid each other goodbye and then head their way.

"Hah finally the week is over.. I won't even look at my books on the weekend" Jisung said, yawning.

"What plans do y'all have for the weekend? Jeongin and I are going to Day6 concert tomorrow, along with Chan hyung" Seungmin said, excited.

"Woah y'all could have taken me along as well" Aura said.

"I thought you'll be busy with your boyfriend" Jeongin wiggled his eyebrows.

"Don't worry, we all will go together the next time" Seungmin said, patting Aura's shoulder and Aura nodded.

"See you tomorrow" Aura said to Hyunjin, looking up at him in the eyes with a smile. Hyunjin smiled at his girlfriend and leaned in to kiss her cheek before replying the same words back.

"Come on time today" Seoyeon reminded Aura. The two best friends had decided to hang out and spend some time together. It was a ritual for them to spend some alone time together every now and then, when it's only the two of them and they can talk about anything and everything and laugh on stupid stuff, enjoying their time however they want.

Aura nodded and called for Felix so they could head home. Felix quickly went to Hyunjin and whispered something in his ear.

Felix and Aura waved everyone a goodbye and headed home, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth as they walked.


"Hyung I am home" Jeongin said as he reached Chan's place, which was now his place as well. He had moved in with Chan since his parents shifted to Busan. Chan was more than happy to welcome him in to stay with him. Chan always saw Jeongin as his younger brother and he was glad to be able to take care of him.

"Innie you said you've folded up your clothes?" Chan asked to which Jeongin nodded.

"But you've waddled them up into a ball..?" Chan again said, visibly confused.

"No, I folded them in a circle" Jeongin said, smiling at Chan while Chan simply sighed.

"Hyung I need to write an essay for the school homework, do you mind helping me with it?" Jeongin asked.

"Nope, let's just relax for a while and then I'll help you with it" Chan said and both the boys sat on the couch with some snacks, deciding to watch a movie.

Every now and then, Chan looked at Jeongin beside him, smiling at how the boy took his loneliness away. How he used to stay in the house all alone, without his parents or anyone, but ever since Jeongin moved in, that feeling of isolation faded away.

He was thankful to Jeongin and the rest for being by his side always. He always hated how he had to live in Korea all alone, without his family. But somehow he certainly didn't hate it one bit now. He had found his family, the kids who loved him so much. How they looked up to him automatically made him want to be the hyung they can always be proud of and rely on. He wouldn't trade the world for them, that's just how much he loves them.


On the other side, Minho was sitting with Jisung on the bed in his room. Both of them were playing video games, and it was the third time Jisung lost in a row.

"Hyung this is not fair" Jisung whined, causing Minho to giggle.

"Wow you're laughing at me?"

"Am sorry Sungie, but you look so cute right now" Minho said, squishing Jisung's cheeks.

"Do I really look cute?" Jisung asked to which Minho nodded with a smile.

"Kiss me then~" Jisung said, puckering his lips.

Minho smiled and placed his lips on Jisung's. Jisung was taken aback for a second, not expecting Minho to actually give in to his demand. However, he was fast enough to come back to his senses, loving the feel of Minho's soft lips on his.

As Jisung kissed back, a chilling sensation ran down their spine. They had kissed numerous times, but it always felt like the first.

Their heartbeat quickened the way it did when they first kissed, their hands awkward, not knowing what to do until Minho finally placed his hand under Jisung's ear, holding his jaw, while Jisung clutched Minho's shirt on the sides. The kiss was soft and passionate, where they tried to put in every emotion.

Once they both pulled away, they looked into each other's eyes, not breaking the eye contact. They both were panting heavily and their hearts were pounding badly inside their chests, as if they would break free anytime now. Their eyes held strong desire and passion and it wouldn't be long before they get carried away. They both landed back on earth when they heard a knock on Minho's room door.

The boys immediately fixed themselves and asked the girls to come in.

"Minho, Aura and I are going out for a while okay?" Seoyeon said, both the girls peeking inside the room. Minho nodded with a smile and the girls waved goodbye to Jisung and Minho, closing the door and heading out.

"Do you think we should visit our boys at the studio?" Seoyeon asked, referring to Hyunjin and Yibo, who were at the dance studio, practising together.

"Let's go get a birthday cake first" Aura said to Seoyeon, who in return gave a confused expression.

"But neither of us have birthdays this month" Seoyeon replied back.

"The cake wouldn't know that."

"valid, let's get two" Seoyeon said, holding Aura's hand as the two walked towards the confectionery shop, laughing and giggling at something or the other.

On the other hand, the tension between Minho and Jisung had now calmed down so they went back to playing the video games, Jisung losing for the fourth time in a row now.


The next day was pretty gleeful for Seungmin who was about to go to his favourite boy band's concert. Seungmin had been a dedicated Day6 stan and being able to go to their concert was literally the best thing Seungmin could wish for.

He headed over to Chan and Jeongin's place, so they all could leave for the concert.

"Hyung am really excited! I am finally going to a Day6 concert oh my god. Is this a dream?" Seungmin said, hands clasped together and eyes literally shining. Chan and Jeongin chucked at the boy's adorable behaviour.

They reached the Olympic hall, where the concert was to take place. People were cheering and vibing to the songs playing in the background.

As soon as the band members came up on the stage and the performance started, Seungmin and the others got ecstatic.

Yeah just shoot me, Bang bang
Your bullet bullet bullet
I'll take it anytime
If this is what you want
Just shoot me, Shoot me

The crowd was cheering and whooping. One after the other, the band gave the best performances and the people couldn't stop the cheers. As the concert came to an end, the three boys made their way back home, discussing how amazing the concert was and how it'll be a lifetime memory.

Seungmin was way too happy. That day when he got back home, he stood in front of the mirror and started singing. Seungmin had amazing vocal skills, his friends always praised him for the same, but he never considered singing as a profession.

However his views were gradually changing now. What if he gives it a shot? He felt motivated, he felt like he had a purpose in life now, an aim to run for.

Stan talent, stan Day6

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