The weather was really pleasant, the kind when you should be outside in a park, enjoying the breeze with the sunrays falling over. But instead here Seoyeon was sitting at her study table, studying, struggling with the assignment her physics teacher gave them.

She ran her hand through her hair, sighing in frustration until a notification alert caught her attention. It was her boyfriend.

< What are you doing? ]

[ struggling with the physics assignment >
[ and am frustrated to the point I feel like dying but other than that am fine :D>

< don't stress yourself, we'll work on that shitty assignment later together ]
< I want to take you somewhere, get ready in five minutes. I'll be there ]

[ yeah okay but where are we going? >

<I'll tell you later. Go get ready ]

[ I ain't doing that until you tell me >

< get your ass moving and get ready you curious pig ]
< you wouldn't want me to come spank you ;) ]

[ kinky much? >

Yibo chuckled and got up to get ready to head over to his girlfriend's. He got into a cab and reached her place to find her waiting outside her apartment building.

Since Seoyeon seemed like she would die of curiosity, Yibo revealed he was taking her to the beach. Seoyeon literally squealed. She absolutely loved beaches. And she wouldn't admit but she was more than happy to go to the beach with Yibo. She found it romantic.

During the whole ride to the beach, the couple kept discussing about the things they'd do there and how fun it'll be.

Once they reached, Seoyeon literally jumped out of the car and started walking to the beach with Yibo running behind her to catch up with her.

It was strange how the beach was almost deserted when the weather was perfect to be outside and enjoy. They intertwined their hands and walked together till the shore, removing their shoes to feel the wet sand under their feet. It was so relaxing that Seoyeon literally just wanted to give up on everything and stay here for life.

She closed her eyes and inhaled the fresh air in deeply, loving the moist and soggy scent of the sand.

All this while, Yibo looked at her with nothing but pure love. Yes, he would be lying if he said he didn't love the girl beside him. He loved her way too much. A smile on her face was the most precious thing he could witness and he was ready to do everything to not let that smile fade.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?" Seoyeon looked up at him.



"I love you. A lot" he finally let out.

"I love you too. A lot" Seoyeon replied with a smile.

Yibo leaned in for a kiss, making Seoyeon close her eyes. The kiss was slow at first, both of them showing their love for each other. But it soon turned passionate.

Yibo bit Seoyeon's bottom lip in order to have access inside her mouth, which he gladly got. He pushed his tongue in, tasting every corner of her mouth, his arms pulling Seoyeon even more close if that was possible.

Yibo realised this wasn't the right place to do what they were doing so he gently pulled away, panting heavily and looked into Seoyeon's eyes.

"Let's not do this here" Yibo said, blushing profusely and Seoyeon nodded.

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