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"Wake up girl" I heard someone as they began  shaking me. "Huh what's wrong" I opened my eyes to see Mina. "Girl get up we have to hurry to the bus stop" she said as I quickly got remembering what today was.

I quickly got dressed and ran out the dorms to the bus stop. "There you guys are being late is very........" iida started to say as Ignored him.

"You guys are lucky that bus hasn't come yet" Kirishima said as I saw bakugou walking up to us.  "I need to talk to you" he said. "Um.. sure" he said as I followed him. "Where are you guys going you might miss the bus" iida said.

"Calm down iida the bus will be here in 30 minutes that enough time to get something to eat right bakugou"sero said as he winked at us which made me look at bakugou then look at sero.

Now there both acting weird.

"Oh okay just hurry back I don't want any class mates missing the bus" iida said as bakugou began to hold my hand and lead me somewhere. I looked at his face to see that he was hiding it.

I really hope I'm not stupid enough to get kidnapped again.

He led us to an alleyway.

"Uh... why are we here" I said nervously. "Do you think I'm that bitch toga" he said as I backed up some. "Um.. k..kinda" I said. "Then why the fuck did you follow me" he yelled as he turned to face me.

"I don't know if your not her then why are we in an alleyway" I said. "Close your eyes" he said. "Why tho" I said. "Just do it" he said as I closed them. "Are you sure your not toga" I said. "Of course I'm not her now hold out your hand" he said.

"Um okay" I said as I held out my hand. He took ahold of my hand and place something small in it. "You.. you can open them now" he said as I opened my eyes to see a small box in my hands. "Is.. is this what I think it is" I said opening up to see a ring. "This is a promise ring right" I asked. "What do you think it is of course it's a promise ring" he yelled. "Okay I was just making sure because I thought you was asking me to marry you and I was gonna say Katsuki we all know that we're too young to be getting marr-" I was interrupted when bakugou put his finger on my mouth.

"you talk way to much now put the ring on" he said as I took the ring out of the box and looked at it. "Katsuki how much did you pay for this it looks really look expensive don't tell-" I was interrupted when he took the ring out my hand and put it on my finger.

"(Y/n) money doesn't Matter I don't care how expensive it is I will do anything for you I promise that I'll always be here for you and protect you no matter what" he said as my eyes began to water.

"K..Katsuki I.. I don't know what to say" I said. "You don't have to say anything" he said kissing me. "So yesterday you actually went to go get this ring" I said referring to how he disappeared yesterday while we were shopping.

"Yeah" he said. "Wait What time is it we should probably get going before we miss the bus" I said as we left the alleyway to bump into Mina,Kirishima, denki, and sero.

"There you guys are what took you so long" Mina said as I showed her the ring. "Eekkkkkkk" she screeched while jumping up and down. "Wait are you guys married now" denki said.

"No dumbass it's a promise ring" bakugou said. "Katsuki don't call him that" I said as deku ran up to us. "Hey guys the bus is about come wait (y/n) your married"  deku said. "You guys are stupid" bakugou said as he walked past deku.

"Sorry about him no it's a promise ring" I said as I walked to the bus stop. "What took you guys so long you said you we're getting food" iida said. "The line was long" I said as the bus drove up and we all got on.
A few minutes later it was time for me and jiro to get off the bus.
"Bye" I waved. "See you guys later" Mina said as she hugged us and we got off the bus. "So this is present mic's agency it really big" I said staring at the really tall building. I then felt a huge gust of wind fly past us. "Did you feel that too" jiro asked me as a girl with black hair appeared in front of us.

"Wait where did you come from" I asked as I felt another gust of wind. "Hey your the two girl that's supposed to be stay here right" she said as she was now hold our suitcases. "Your quirk has something to do speed right" I said.

"Speedy the name I'm one of present mic's sidekicks" she said as I saw present mic walking out the agency. "What are you guys doing here" he said as speedy whispered to him.

"Oh I forgot it started to today well come in" he said as we followed him inside. "Welcome to the inside of present mic's agency" she said as she showed us to our room. "Well here's where you guys will be staying the bathrooms are down the hall if you need me I'll be in the front hall" she said as she disappeared leaving a gust of wind.

I looked around the room to see two queen beds beside each other and across from the bed was a tv and that was pretty much it.

I then land down on the bed closest to the window.

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