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(Third person)
"You called" bakugou said closing the door behind him as he entered the office.

"Eraser head called you have to take a bus back to U.A" best Jeanist said. "Huh for what" bakugou said. "Important matters I don't want to be the one to tell you grab all your stuff and go" he said as bakugou turned in and left.

When he got to ua and went to dorm everyone was there. "What the fuck" bakugou said as everyone look at him. "Are you okay" kirishima asked.

"Why the fuck do you mean am I okay what's going on" bakugo said. "Nobody told you" kirishima said. "Nobody told me what" bakugou said.

'Present mic tell what you were doing today when two students of U.A in your care got kidnapped by league of villains' a reporter on tv said making bakugou drop his things.

"Where y/n" he asked looking around. "Baku-" kirishima said walking up to him. "Where the fuck is she" bakugou interrupted him pushing him down making denki stand up.

"Here" he said giving bakugou something in his hand. Bakugou opened his palm to see a ring. "I'm sorry it's my fault" denki said looking down. "What do you mean it's YOUR FAULT" he said putting the ring in his back pocket.

"I told her that I heard jiro scream while I was on the phone with her and she went to go look for her I-"he was interrupted when bakugou punched him hard. "BAKUGO" Mina said.

"How fucking dare you I should fucking kill you" he yelled as he kept punching him making blood come out of Denki's mouth and nose.

"Bakugou stop" kirishima said as he, Mina and sero tried to pull him off denki. "I fucking hate you, you bitch I hope you fucking die bitch" bakugou yelled as they finally got him off denki.

"Bakugou Look, look at me" Mina said turning his head so he could look at me. "bakugou look I know you're upset I'm upset too  but taken it all out on denki isn't the best option" Mina said standing up.

"Denki I think you should go get an ice pack and sit in your room until bakugou calms down okay" Mina said as denki got up. "O..okay" he said walking away. "Denki sit down" someone said as every turned to the door to aizawa standing there.

"Everyone need to be here" he said handing denki an ice pack. "Bakugou just because your upset doesn't give you the give you right to beat up your classmate and denki it's not your fault that jiro or (y/n) is kidnapped if it's anyone fault it's mines and present mic's" he said.

(Y/n) 's pov
"Ow" I whispered as my eyes were still getting to my surroundings. "(Y/n)" someone softly called as I stared at them trying to see who they are. "J..jiro" I said as I saw that she was tied up to chair.

"I'm glad you're okay" she said as I tried to get up but I was tied to a chair too. "Weren't you with sou how did you get captured" she asked. "Denki called me he was worried when you screamed on the phone so I went looking for you" I said.

"Well well well look who decided to awake from her beauty nap" dabi said standing at the door. "Oh for fuck sake when are you ever gonna leave people alone" I said. "Oh don't be so mean "I'm not the one who wanted you it's that right yuro" he said as yuro, the boy who supposed to be in jail walked in.

"Oh god not this lunatic" I whispered putting a head down. "Oh don't be like that (y/n) you were all over me that last time we saw each other" he said leaning into my ear. "I didn't do that you used something on me" I said putting my head down.

"Don't act like you didn't like it you wanted me as your boyfriend" he said as I hit my head against his head. "Ow you fucking bitch" he said as I heard a chuckle come from dabi. "Why are you still here get out" yuro said pushing dabi out and slamming the door. "You must think you're so funny huh" he said smiled as blood dripped from his nose to the floor.

"Why did you kidnap jiro if you just wanted me" I asked. "Oh her, no reason I was gonna kidnap you sister probably kill her but she wasn't with you so I thought I'll just kill the person who was with you just for the fun of it" he said moving his way to jiro as he talked. "p..please don't" I said as he lifted her head up with his finger.

"Look (y/n) look at her face" he said laughed moving aside to show Jiro's terrified face. "Let me go get the supplies" he said walking out the room. "Jiro I'm sorry I got you into this" I said looking down. "Don't apologize it's not your fault" she said as I stayed quiet. "(Y/n) look at me" she said as I looked up at her. "It's not your fault so don't apologize okay" she said as I nod. "Hey (y/n) did you miss me" he said opening the door with a box in his hand.

"What's in the box" I asked as I followed him with my eyes. "A surprise" he said putting the box down looking through it. I turned back to jiro to see her earphone jack stretched to each yuro. "Jiro... stop don't do it" I mouthed.

"It's okay it will only give you time to run" she mouthed back. "What about you" i mouthed as yuro turned around with scissors in his hand grabbing the earphone jack and getting ready to cut it. "Look yuro stop what ever you want I'll give it to you just let jiro go please" I said as he looked at me. "Hmm really what ever I want" he said dropping her ear jack as it shorten again. He then walked closer to me, lifted my chin up and kissed me.

He stopped kissing me and step back. "Feel anything yet" he said making me confused. "Let's play a game" he said picking up a knife as I started to feel drowsy all of a sudden.

"What did you do to me" I said as my eyes were starting to drop down "it's called, wait never mind that would give the surprise away" he said walking towards me again. "What did you do to her" jiro said. "Shut up you speak when you're spoken to" he yelled as he turned back to me.

"Let's get this game start" he said throwing the knife at jiro. "What are you doing you were supposed to catch the scissors with your hand, oh I see your hand are tied up" he said as I screamed her name.

"Where did the knife hit, I can't see where it hit" I thought as my eyes closed.

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