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(Izuku POV)
"Hey Mina do you know where (y/n) is" I asked her in the common room.

"Oh she said she wanted to go patrol with bakugou" she said as ( y/ n) came through the door.

"Um guys we may have a problem" she said as she was sweating.

"What happened where's Baku-" Kirishima said but was interrupted when we heard screaming out side.

We all ran outside to see 6 people that kinda looked like kacchan but with different hair colors.
"Oh god" kirishima was the first one to say as he put his hand on his face.

"Yeah....bakugou got hit with a quirk" (y/n) said as aizawa grabbed the red haired kacchan and tied him in his scarf.

"So I gonna have to take a guess and say his emotions split into their own person" aizawa said as he walked up to us.

"So that must be anger" Mina asked as aizawa nodded and left with the red kacchan.

Then the other 5 started walking up to us.

"(Y/n) I missed you" the pink haired kacchan said as he kissed (y/n) hand.

"Uhh we just saw each other " she said as she blushed. "So that's what he is" Mina said.

"Eww I'm gonna burf  I have the same hair color of this loser" the green haired kacchan said as he pointed at me.

(Y/n) pov

"Uhh we just saw each other" I said as I blushed.

"I know but it's better when you're around" he said as he was about to lean in for kiss but I pushed him away and ran to my room.

"It's not real it's not real I'm just taking advantage of him it's just the quirk he doesn't like me like that he would have said something to me" I thought as I closed my door and Slid down it.

"(Y/n) are you okay did I do something wrong" he said as he knocked on the door.

"Go away" I said as he knocked again. I said go aw-" I said but stopped when I heard Mina's voice.

"What happened" she asked. "Is he out there" I asked as she open the door.

"Who" she said as she closed the door behind her.

"The pinked haired bakugou he keeps flirting with me" I said as I sat on my bed.

"But isn't it a good thing you like bakugou don't you" she said as she sat down next to me.

"I do but it's not him if he likes me I want him to fully say it we have no idea what this quirk actually does who knows it's probably not even real" I said as we heard screaming.

"What's going on" I said as we both got up and walked to the common room and saw the red haired bakugou screaming at everyone.

"Calm down" I said as he looked at me.

"CALM DOWN I CAN'T EVERY TIME I LOOK AT DEKU AND HIS STUPID HAIR IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY I JUST WANT TO BURN IT ALL OFF" he yelled as as his quirk activated which made izuku grab his hair.

"Okay this was a mistake anger is being detained for the time being" aizawa said as he tied up anger again and drag him out the room.

"Um where is green bakugou at" I asked trying to search for the green one. "Oh disgust he's in his room ... bakugou room.....their room because he was too disgusted by izuku" denki said.

"Anyway who wants to see how the emotions feel about us" sero said as everyone sat down. "Hey happy how do you feel about izuku" denki said. "Denki you don't have-" izuku said. "He has a good quirk i guess it's improved" happy said.

"Have you guys figured out what those two emotions are" I said as I pointed to a blue haired and white haired bakugou.

"I guess the blue one is sadness "I don't know about the white one tho" Kiri said. "Hey you guys how do you feel about izuku" denki said as they both stared at izuku.

The blue one looked like he was about to cry and the white one looked scared. "so I guess he's fear" I said as I referred to the white haired bakugou.

"Hey pink what do you think about deku" denki asked. "Um he's cool I guess" he said as slightly looked at me. "F*ck ewww that's so f*cking disgusting" someone yelled as I turned to see green bakugou coming out the elevator.

"What happened" I asked. "That f*cking pervert touched me ewww I would use my quirk but I don't even want to look at him eww I think I'm going to throw up-"he said as he fainted.

"Um okay back to what we were talking about before he barged in.. what" I said as everyone stared at me. "(Y/n) he just faint you're not going to see if he's alright" kirishima said.

"He's fine" I said as he woke up. "Are you alright" Kirishima asked.

"Shitty hair didn't I tell you to not speak to me" he said as he walked off.

"Okay anyway happy how do you feel about.... (y/n)" Kirishima said as I stared at him like he was crazy.

"Oh (y/n) she cool I respect her" he said as he held out his fist which I fist bumped.

"Fear and sadness how do you feel about (y/n)" he asked. "She scares me" sadness said as fear just got up and walked away.

"I think that's my cue to head to sleep" I said as I got up and left. When the elevator door was about to close it reopened again and the pink haired bakugou walked in.

Not this guy.

"(Y/n) can we talk" he asked as the elevator door closed.

"I don't want to talk to you unless it the whole bakugou" I said.

"What did I do wrong" he asked as the elevator door opened and I walked out and into my room and closed it behind me. "(Y/n) please" he said as he knocked on the door. "Just leave me alone" I said as I laid in my bed.

During these past days the pink haired bakugou has been bothering me  every 10 minutes , sadness was whining at every little thing, fear has just been in their room, disgust has been complaining about every little thing izuku and mineta does, anger has been with aizawa ever since that day, happy has been cool.

(Bakugou pov)

I woke up with a sharp pain in my head.

What happened all I remember is me and (y/n) getting attack by some person and me getting hit by a quirk.

I got out of my bed and walked out of my room and into the common room.

"Oh look guys bakugou back to normal" shitty haired said as everyone looked at me.

"What happened" I asked. " you were hit by some quirk that split your emotions into people bruh one of you emotions wouldn't leave (y/n) alone she just stay in her room" shitty haired said as I ran to ( y/n)'s room. "(Y/n) we need to talk" I said as I knocked on the door.

"I told you to leave me alon-" she said as she opened the door to see that it was me at the door. "Can I come in" I asked scratching behind my ear. "Sure" she said as she sat on her bed. I came in and closed the door behind me.

"So what happened" I asked. "well you got hit by a quirk tha-" " I already know about that what did one of the emotions say to you the one that wouldn't leave you alone" she explained but I interrupted her.

"He kept flirting with me and one time he tried to kiss me but I pushed him away because i felt like that was taking advantage of you, you probably don't even like me back I don't know why I'm saying this out loud by-" she started to ramble as I kissed her.

(Y/n) pov
Omg is he actually kissing me right now does that mean he like me.
I blushed as we stopped kissing.

"So does that mean-" I said but I was interrupted when he kissed me again.

"hey (y/n) are you in h.... I knew it" Mina said as she saw us kissing. "Mina I thought I took that key away" I said turning redder as I chased her.

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