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(Next morning)
We woke up put our school uniform on and walked to the common room.

"Bakugou shouldn't you still be in the hospital" Mina said.
"No" he said as he sat down and I walked over to the kitchen.

"I'm still mad at you for stealing her yesterday" Mina said as I got something to eat.

"Her" I asked confused.

"My car her name is cami" she said. "You named the car" I said eating.
"A lot of people do"  she said.

(After I was finished)

We still a few minutes until we have to go to school.
"Hey midoriya" I said walking up to him.
"Yeah" he said.
"Can you do me a little favor" I asked.
"Sure" he said.
"Could you go over there and hug katsuki" I said.
"Uh are you sure could I ask you why" he said looking nervously.
"Yeah I'm sure and because he just needs a hug can you please" I said.
"Okay" he said slowly walking over to katsuki.

(Bakugou's POV)
I slowly looked up from my phone to see that deku was standing there.
Great if he talks to me I'll definitely lose for sure.
"Hey kacchan" he said nervously.
"What deku" I said as he hugged me.
"Did he just fucking hug me" I thought as stood up which made him back up.
"Sorry kacchan please don't hurt me" he said putting his hand up.
"Ugh i can't even get mad or I'll lose the bet" I thought rolling my eyes and walked up to (y/n).
"Hey katsuki" she said.
"I know you asked deku to hug me and that's cheating" I said.
"You never said it wasn't allowed" she said as I got closer to her face.
"Well now I'm saying it" I said as she blushed.

(Y/n pov)
"Did midoriya just hug you and you didn't do anything about it" Mina said as she appeared out of nowhere.
"Oh bec-" I was about to say when bakugou put his hand over my mouth and we walked away from Mina.
"What was that for" I asked.
"Don't tell anyone" he whispered.
"Huh why not" I said.
"Because i don't want anyone knowing that I'm not being angry today I don't anyone using that as an advantage to mess with me" he said.
"Yeah that makes sense" I said.
"Guys what are you doing it's time to head to class come on or we're going to be late" iida said running in place.
Everyone got up and walked outside to head to school.
"(Y/n) is that you I haven't see you in like forever"a
Familiar voice said as me and bakugou turned to look to see oh no not him, yuro the guy I punched in the face.
"Oh hey yuro right" I said nervously.
"I never got the chance to say sorry for the last time we hung out" he said as bakugou looked very confused, he looked at me then at yuro.
"What happened the last time you guys hung out" he asked.
"Who are you" yuro asked as he just looked at Bakugo. "Who am I who are you and what the heck happened the last time you guys hang out" he said.
"We kissed what is to you" he said as I looked to see bakugou bawling his fist.
"I'm her boyfriend extra" Bakugou said as yuro's eyes Widen. "What do you mean you're (y/n)'s boyfriend" yuro said. "What I said it means" he said. "This is the type you like Is he serious" yuro asked as he looked at me. "Yes he is" I said rolling my eyes. "When did you kiss my girlfriend asswhole" bakugou said getting close to yuro.
"He kissed me way before we started dating
Let's just go to class okay" I said.
"Ugh fine" he said walking away.
"I probably lost the bet didn't I" he said. "You know you did a lot better then I thought you would you didn't even use you quirk so you're still in" I said as we walked into class.

"What took you guys so long we were walking together" iida said as bakugou just walked right passed him. "Uh we had to go back for something" I lied as I walked to my seat. I look to see bakugou aggressively tapping his foot on the floor.
"Katsuki... are you okay" I said standing front of his desk.
"Do you just want to call off this bet" I said.
"No I'm fine why didn't you tell that extra kissed you with out your permission" he said. "Because you would have killed him" I said.
"How do you know" he said.
"Really" I said as I stared at him.
"Okay maybe I would have killed him" he said.

(Common room)

"Ugh I'm so bored" I said sitting on the couch next to bakugou.
"Then do something" he said.
"Do what exactly" I said.
"Go on your phone like you do every day" he said.
"Katsuki there's a limit on how much you can do on your phone let's do something" I said getting up trying to get him to get up.
"Why do I have to" he said groaning.
"Fine I'll ask midoriya or ...todoroki.. then" he's eyes twitched when I mentioned todoroki's name.
"You wouldn't" he said.
"Hey todoroki" I said walking towards him when bakugou dragged me outside.
"So you think you can make me jealous" he said getting close to my face.
"I didn't know I was make you jealous" I said blushing because of how close he was to my face.
"I don't want you talking to icy hot ever" he said. "What would happen if I did talk to todoroki" I said smirking.
"Oh do you want to find go ahead talk to him see what happens" he said.
"Oh there you are (y/n) oh am I interrupted something" Mina said as she started smirking.
"Uh no Mina we were about to go in" I said as she walked back inside.
"Remember what I told you" he whispered as he walked in front of me. Before I could walk back in a heard a scream.
"Could they be in trouble" I thought as I look at the door then back where I heard the scream.
"I'm coming" I said as I heard the scream again and I followed that to see a villain who had a girl.

(Bakugou pov)

Where the f*ck did (y/n) go she was right behind me.
I looked outside and she wasn't there I went upstairs to see if she walked by me with out me noticing.
Before I kicked down the door I knocked on it saying her name my voice getting louder every second. I then remembered that she gave me a key to her room I unlocked and went saw that she wasn't there so I went downstairs and started panicking walking back and forth I felt like I was going pass out until shitty haired touched my shoulder.
"Are you okay you look like your freaking out" he said. "Of course I'm freaking out where the fuck is (y/n) she gone where the fuck is she and why didn't she tell me where she was going" I said. "Maybe she went out" He said. "I don't care I'm going out to look for her and I'm not stopping until I know she's safe someone call me if she gets back" I said walking out the dorms. When I was walking someone was thrown into me. "What the fuck" I said as I noticed it was (y/n) .
"(Y/n) are you okay" I said as I look at her she had cuts and bruises everywhere.
"I'm fine" she said as she got up when she took a step she was about to fall over when I catches her.
"You not fine didn't you say we were doing it together but you're doing the exact same thing I did" I said. "I know but I heard screaming I just had to go see what it was" she said. "You are in no shape to fight anymore so I guess I'm going to have to defeat this guy" I said.
"No I'll d-" was all she said before she fell sleep.
"(Y/n)" I said as I felt out my head on her chest.
"Oh okay you just knock out" I said.
"You mess with the wrong person you're going down" I said as I smirked.
(After defending the villain)
"Thank you"  the girl who was in danger said.
"Yeah whatever" I said as I picked up (y/n).
"And when she wakes up can you tell I said thank you" she said as the villain was taken away.
"Yeah okay" I said as I carried her  to the nurses office.
After I left I went back to the common room.
"Hey did you find her" Dunce face said as I walked in. "Yes" I said.
"So where is she" raccoon eyes said as she walked up to me.
"In the nurse office" I said as everyone eyes widen.
"What why what happened" she said.
"She went to go stop a villain without tell anyone" I said.
"I'm going upstairs" I said as I walked away.

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