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"Katsuki I've got my memories back" I said.
It been like a week now and I finally got my memories.

"Are you sure" he said smirking.
"Of course I'm sure" I said as I punch him in the shoulder playfully. "You're going have to own me another hero costume you know" he said.
"No i don't it's not my fault" I said.

"You burned my costume your lucky it's not in pieces" he said. "Well nobody told you to kiss me then kidnap me" I said.
"I didn't know you lost your memories" He said.


"(Y/n) quit looking out the window" bakugou said as I look at the snow.
"But it's so pretty I don't even remember the last time it snowed" I said as I saw him roll his eyes.
"It was last year idiot" he said.

"I'm not an idiot, idiot" I said.
"Just go outside then" he said.
"I can't it too cold" I said as plopped down on the couch. "I don't think it's cold" todoroki said.

"Todoroki you make ice out your right side your use to the cold" I said. "Hey has anyone seen deku" I said. "Why are looking for him" bakugou said. "Are you jealous" I said looking at him smirking. "Pfft no" he looking away.

"Omg yes you are you are so jealous" I said teasing.
"No I'm not" he said. "What ever you say" I said getting up. "Where are you going" bakugou said.

"Katsuki could you stop being jealous for a minute deku and I are supposed to be training" I said. "Where is the training at" he said. "In the training room what do you want to come along" I said trying to be funny.

"I would actually" he said getting as my eyes widen.
"Katsuki that was a joke you're not be serious" I said as he walked in the direction of the training room.
"I don't care, I've made up my mind" he said as I followed him.

"There you are... and kacchan... with you.." he said. "Do you have a problem with me being here deku" he said getting real close to deku.

"No kacchan" he said waving his hands in his face.
"Okay boys just back up from each other" I said putting my arms out separate them from each other. "And Katsuki you sit right here" I said putting him to a chair.

"Okay now we can start" I said as we got in our fighting stance.


"Katsuki carry me" I said.
"No nobody told you to waste all your energy fight deku" he said.
"Please I'm tired" I said.

"No you have legs walk" he said.
"Fine no kisses for you today" I said crossing my arms and looking away.
"(Y/n) please" he said.

"Nope" I said.
"Please" he said lifting my chin up making me look at him. "No to no no no" I said as he kissed me.
"Katsuki I said no" I said as he ran away laughing.
"You can stop me from wanting to kiss you" he said running into the common room.

"Slow down do not run indoors go outside" iida said as I continued to chase after bakugou.
"You do know it really cold outside right iida" Mina said as I jumped and landed on Katsuki.

We started rolling on the floor then we stopped and I was on top of him we were just staring at each other until " ahem" denki cleared his throat as we both looked at every one staring at us.

"Get a room" Mina said as we stood up.
"Maybe we will" he said lifting my head up making me blush. He kissed me. "Katsuki" I said as I felt myself blush more. "Hey bakugou could I borrow her for minute" Mina said leaning on my shoulder.

"Ugh go a head" he sad as me and Mina walked into the elevator. "What's up" I said. "Girls night in momo's room today" she said. "What so soon didn't we just have one" I said.

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