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"A winter ball  next week" I said reading a piece of paper.
"I wonder who I'm taking" I said smirking.
"Ohh I wonder who I'm taking since we not going together" he said. "Just joking I'm obviously taking you" I said.

"Who said I was going" bakugou said.
"If your not going then who going to take me" I said.
"I don't know don't go I don't want to spend my time at a stupid dance" he said sitting in his desk. "But you went with me last dance" I said. "And i went home drunk I don't even remember what happened" he said.

"If you don't want to go I'm not forcing you or anything I might not go anyway" I said rubbing the back of my head.

"Your so cute of course I'm going with you, do you really think I'm going let you go to the dance alone where someone else could flirt with you like that yuro guy no no way" he said getting up.
"I'm not cute" I said pouting.

"Yes you are" he said getting real close to me.
"No I'm not" I said poking his nose.
He gave me a quick peck on my lips then sat back down.

(After class)

"(Y/n) come do a dance with me" Mina said as we were all sitting in the common room.
"Do I have to" I said.

"I can't even dance and besides you know what happened the last time" I said. "Oh yeah" Mina said as she walked up to uraraka.
"What happened last time you guys dance" Katsuki asked as I just stared at him. "You know what happened mr. boner" I whispered in his ear which made him turn red as I laughed.

"I thought you forgot about that" he said.
"Forgot about what" denki said smirking.
"Mind you own fucking business" bakugou yelled throwing a couch pillow at him.
"Ohh that sounds like that hurt are you okay" I said looking at denki who was on the floor.

"Of course he's okay" bakugou said.
"His face is the same color as Kirishima hair how hard did you throw that pillow"  I said.
"It wasn't even that hard" he said as Kirishima waved his hand in denki's face.

"Yay" denki said as blood came out his nose.
"Never mind he's fine" I said trying not to laugh.
"You're a mini me" he said.
"No I'm not I  don't yell at people unless it mineta or someone gets on my nerves" I said. "And I especially don't throws hard pillows at my friends" I said as I threw a pillow at him.

"Too bad your not my friend your my boyfriend big difference" I said as we both smirked.
"Oh you wanna play we can play" he said throwing a pillow at me but I dodged.

"Haha you missed bitc..." I said but I was interrupted when he threw a pillow at me.

"Hey no far I wasn't looking" I said.
"I wasn't looking either when you threw that pillow at me so I guess we're even" he said.

"We shouldn't be throwing pillow that is very un hero like" iida said as bakugou threw a pillow at him making me laugh.

"Okay who threw that" iida said picking up his glasses as we both looked away.
Mina then threw a pillow at bakugou.

"I know you did not just throw a pillow at me you're toasted" he said chasing her around.
"Sis get your boo" she said running away.
"Huh did I hear something" I said looking away.

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