Chapter 18

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*Dean's POV*

I'm feeling really guilty about being that harsh on Tanner.  I know what she means, she wants some independence and because I'm there with her most of the time I don't blame her for wanting some space. I just love being around her, she's my own drug and I love her. But I don't want to lose her. I just need her to know that she is the most important thing in my life and that I want to spend the rest of my life with her. It's coming up to our 8 month anniversary. She thinks I've forgotten, but I will never forget. I'll never forget the feeling I got when I first laid my eyes on her, I instantly knew she was the one. I want to tell her these things but I'm not good at showing emotions.

Tanner rang me when she was in the car with Natalya.

'Hey sunshine' I said once I picked up the phone.

'Hey sweetie.  I'm sorry for saying the things I said. I didn't mean to hurt you or anything, I just need some space yanno?' she explained.

Hearing her voice gave me comfort.

'Don't worry about it. I've thought about it and I completely understand. I should be the one apologizing' I replied.

'I'm still sorry though' she said, there was a long pause and she finally broke the silence 'I love you'

'I love you too. I gotta go. See you later' I replied putting the phone down.

It was getting late and Tiana wouldn't let me leave. She kept saying that it's too dark for me to drive. But I've gotta go home sometime. Wade had already gone to bed since he's got a bad back from training so it was just me and her in the living room.

'It's getting dark so you should stay for the night' she said for the hundredth time in the last 10 minutes.

'I've got to go home sweetie. I'll call you in the morning' I replied finally making it to the door.

I got home and discovered a parked car on our driveway. It wasn't familiar and it definitely wasn't Natalya's. Puzzled, I climbed out of my car to investigate. There was a man in the drivers seat, quite thin, in a suit and looked very posh. I knocked on the window with my key and scared the shit out of him. He looked up instantly with anger in his face. The man opened the door and came face to face with me.

'Umm, who are you?' I asked rubbing the back of my neck.

'I'm Tanner's father' he replied.

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