Chapter 15

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Tanner's POV

'Hiya mum, how are you?' I asked as she stepped through the door.

'Good thank you sweetie, I just came to ask you if you were coming to Mickey's birthday party tomorrow' She asked giving me a little hug.

'Oh yeah, of course. What time? Dean might want to come'

'Oh um, I don't think Dean coming is a good idea, especially not with Oli. He's not too pleased that Dean stayed that night, he's a bit angry with him'

I felt a rush of emotions sweep over me, confusion, anger, guilt. We didn't do anything, all we did was sleep in the same bed. He doesn't like him and that's pretty obvious but Dean and I are serious and we love each other a lot. But Oli doesn't like Dean. I knew he'd act like this.

'I'm sorry sweetie but you know what Oli is like, he doesn't like him and that's how his feelings will stay, you and I both know he's a stuck up prick' she explained.

'Then why are you still with him?' I asked with an attitude.

'Because I love hi-'

'That's bullshit. He treats you like crap mum'

'Don't you dare swear at me Tanner Darwood!' She raised her voice at me.

'See this is the reason why I've decided to move in with Dean, all you do is take his side every fucking time. I'm sick of it' I replied.

'You-you've decided to move out?' She lowered her voice and I could see the guilt and heartbreak in her eyes.

'Yeah mum, I'm sorry but me and Dean are quite serious now' I replied calming down.

She got her purse and walked out the front door. I just stood feeling guilty and like I've betrayed her. She's got to understand that I'm not her little girl anymore. I heard my phone vibrating and picked it up, it was Roman again.

'Hi' I said holding in my tears.

'What's wrong?' He asked with panic in his voice.

'Me and my mum just had a fight' I broke down into tears since that was my first fight with my mum.

'I'm coming over now' he put the phone down.

I collapsed onto the sofa and just cried until Roman came in using the spare key. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my head.

'Want to talk about it?' He asked.

I swivelled round and told him everything about the argument. He was very understanding, and he could relate. He asked where Dean was and I didn't even think about him, but Roman told me that he'd be fine. He placed his hand on my cheek and rubbed my face slowly with his thumb. He slowly started to lean in and I was too, our lips touched each others and we both kept kissing each other. He pulled me up onto his lap and kissed my neck. I moaned a little. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he walked upstairs and laid me down on the bed. I think you know what happened next.

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