Chapter 10

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The next day, I drove to Tanner's. My hangover is dreadful but I pushed that aside. When I got the news that Tanner had lost the baby, I felt responsible and I felt like I'd let her down. I shouldn't have gone to the bar and got drunk but I did, and that is eating me alive. I thought that for the first time in my life, things are actually pretty great but that only lasted for a second. Its still pretty good now because Tanner is still my girl and I'm glad I haven't lost her..but on the other hand its still daunting that we could've had a baby together.

I stopped the car outside Tanner's house and rubbed my face, I felt a sudden urge of rage and punched the steering wheel. I hit my head on the horn and just left my head there. I closed my eyes and sat there with the horn going.

'DEAN?' I heard someone shout over the ongoing loud beep.

I sharply looked up and saw Tanner standing in a dressing gown with her fingers in her ears. She was looking at me confused and a little bit angry at the noise. I rested my head back onto the steering wheel and she opened the passenger door. She took my hand and rubbed mine in circles with her thumb, 'hey' she gently said.

I wouldn't look up, and she placed a finger under my chin and forced my head up. My eyes started watering as I saw the hurt in her eyes. I blinked back the tears and she pulled me into a hug. She shouldn't be looking after me, I should be looking after her. That's what I'm here for.

'Do you want to come in?' She asked stroking my hair.

I nodded and we walked up the driveway hand in hand. Shirley was making breakfast in the kitchen and I said hi to her. Tanner then led me into her bedroom and we cuddled on her bed. Suddenly, 2 little boys came running in and jumped onto the end of the bed.

'Jake! Mickey! Get off' Tanner sleepily shouted.

'Woah, hey boys, I'm Dean' I said

'We know! You're our favourite wrestler!' They said at the same time.

'Well, would you like me to sign anything for you?' I asked, sitting up and smiling at them.

They both jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. I got up from the bed and followed them, allowing Tanner to get some rest.

That Guy (a Dean Ambrose Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang