Chapter 22

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*buzz buzz*

I was in bed with Dean at his house and my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number but I answered anyway.

'Hello?' I said sitting up.

'Hello, is this Tanner?' the person on the other end asked.

It hit me that the person I was talking to was Triple H, my stomach twitched and I got butterflies.

'Yes this is her' I replied.

'Hello Tanner, this is Triple H. I hope Dean spoke to you about being on WWE, I know it's a lot to ask but I've heard great things about you' he explained.

'Yes he did speak to me and I'd be honoured to be on WWE!' I replied, almost squealing.

'Okay then Tanner' he chuckled, 'I'll meet you, Wade and Dean today at 12 o clock at that nice restaurant on the high street. Tell them your names and they'll take you through. See you then' then he just put the phone down.

Dean sat up and stroked my hair. I looked back at him and he had a smile on his face.

'Were you awake then entire time?' I asked kissing him. All I got in response was a cheeky smile, the kind of smile that made his icy blue eyes sparkle 'I take that as a yes then'

I laid back down with him and we cuddled until 11 o clock. I didn't even realise that that was the time and neither did he. But I could tell that he wasn't looking forward to this lunch with his boss, he pretended like he was okay with it but I know him better than that. We got ready and Dean drove us down to the restaurant. We had to wear big hoodies so nobody recognised us. Luckily nobody did. As we were walking through the restaurant a few people looked up and I could see in their eyes that they knew who we were but they didn't get up to take pictures or anything, they just looked back down at their food.

"Tanner and Dean" Dean said to the man as we stopped at the end of the room.

He politely nodded and walked us through to the back room. Triple H, Stephanie and Wade were already there with white wine in their glasses. As we walked in, they all stopped and stared like we'd just done something terrible like murder. But that all changed when Triple H stood up and told us to sit down.

"Would you two like some wine?" he asked.

We both declined due to even a drop of it Dean and I both knew he wouldn't be able to stop. I sat down with Dean on my left and Wade on my right with Triple H and Stephanie in front. We ordered food and Triple H started talking.

"So, I was thinking that you and Wade" Triple H said pointing at Dean "are in a match and Tanner, you are at ringside with Dean. And Dean gets hit and Wade grabs you, planning on hurting you but he stops and kisses you but you don't stop it. Dean gets up and pushes you out of the way to get to Wade and he dirty deeds Wade and picks up the win. How does that sound?"

"Wait let me get this clear, Tanner is kissing Wade?!" Dean replied functioning it all in his head.

"That is correct" Stephanie stated with a huge smile.

"I'm in if you guys are in" I chirped in looking at Dean, he nodded his head while gritting his teeth.

"To be honest, I think this will be good for me personally" said Wade touching my leg with his hand.

My breath hitched but I tried not to make it obvious. Then it started riding it's way up my leg, close to my intimate area. I jumped up and hesitated when I realised everyone was staring at me.

"I uh...have to go to the bathroom"

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