Authors note and chapter 19

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Hey amazing person who is reading this right now,

First of all I just want to say...THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading and voting and following me it means the absolute world to me that people like my story so thank you!

Secondly, I have a question- it seems that you guys like this story a lot so I was wondering if you'd like me to post an Ambreigns (Dean and Roman) story on here? I haven't started writing it yet I just wanna see if anyone would be interested in reading it etc. So let me know in the comments.

Once again, thank you so much!


As the words 'I'm Tanner's father' came out of this mans mouth I was completely taken aback. I couldn't think what to say so I just stood there staring at him.

'H-how did you find her?' I asked confused.

'I'm going to be completely honest with you Mr Ambrose, I came for my daughter and obviously you are not her, I am not leaving until I-' he was cut off by Tanner climbing out of Natalya's car.

'Dean?' she said closing the door of the car, 'you can go Nattie, thanks for the lift'

'Tanner!' her dad looked at her and opened his arms expecting a hug.

'What the hell are you doing here?' she asked standing next to me.

'I came here for you. To show you that I've changed and I want you to come home where you belong, with me' he explained.

'I live here with Dean, this is my home. Who are you-the abuser-to tell me what to do, I am an adult now. Not the little girl who took all the blame for not having money that you were wasting on drugs' she exploded at him.

'Can I just explain?'

'You have one minute, do not waste it'

'Okay thank you. Can we go somewhere else, somewhere more private?' she looked at him and crossed her arms, 'okay then, when you were younger, I was a mess, I couldn't control my addictions and I'm so sorry about that. But I promise, I've fixed myself and I can control myself. I love you Tanner, please believe me'

'Saying sorry doesn't fix the horrible memories and the terrible childhood that you caused me. Do you want to know what that did to me? I started hurting myself. I even tried to commit suicide because of what you did to me, you broke me. Do you have any idea of how that impacted my life?'

I had no idea that she tried it commit suicide or self harm. This is terrifying for me, thinking about her in that state is a way that I never want to see. I don't think I could handle seeing her that vulnerable.

'I'm so sorry' are the words he replied with.

He stepped forward towards her and she stepped back behind me.

'I think you better leave,' I told him putting a hand on his chest to stop him from coming closer, he did try to push past me to her but I didn't move 'leave before I do something I regret'

He listened to me then, he got in his car and drove off. I turned around to Tanner who was holding in her tears. She walked over to me and I pulled her in for a hug and she balled her eyes out.

That all happened so quickly, he had no right to come here after what he did to her and Shirley. Scum like him belong in prison and that's where they should stay. Although, to be honest I can't really talk, I was once like him. Not as bad but during my Mox days I was a wreck. But I turned my life around before it was too late.

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