Chapter 6

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'W-what, w-what d-do you mean you're p-pregnant?' He stuttered.

'I know this is a lot to take in, and I know we haven't been together that long but yeah I'm pregnant' my hands were shaking and I was really worried about how he'd react.

'So you think its either mine or his?' He asked.

'Yeah, I mean, it could be you because you were the last one but there's also that 50/50 chance its his' I replied, I studied his face really hard.

'Do you want to keep it?' He finally asked.

'Well, it could be pretty cool having a mini me running around' I replied.

'If you want to keep it and you want me around I'll be here for you and the baby, even if it isn't mine, I'll still stay'

'Are you 100% sure?'

'100% Tanner'

'Thank you so much Dean'

'Oh its alright. I love you'

Oh my gosh that's the first time he's ever said that.

'I love you too Dean'

We cuddled the rest of the night and tomorrow I have to talk my mum about being pregnant, she's going to kill me. I decided to tell Natty, who else am I going to tell? She brought up the idea of going to a restaurant and Dean and I and Natty and TJ going out for a meal but I didn't want to make a fuss, so we just hung out at her house. I announced that I was pregnant to her and she began to cry, it was like a river. They were just pouring out of her eyes and once she hugged me I started crying.

'I'm so happy for you Tan' she managed to squeeze out through her river running down her face.

'Thanks Natty' I smiled and she laughed at herself.

Natalya left as she was meeting TJ's parents. I sunk down next to Dean on the couch and he draped his arm around me, like a shield to protect me from any harm. I was just drifting off to sleep when out of nowhere he spoke. I jumped and he giggled a little.

'Sorry sunshine' he laughed, 'I was just thinking..' He paused 'do you want to make us public?'

'Wow Dean, that was unexpected. Uh, sure why not?' I replied in astonishment.

What he meant by 'public' is just being out in the public and not worry about paps seeing us together. But still, that's a start. I sunk into his side and eventually drifted off without another interruption from Dean. He's really taking us seriously. I didn't think he was a loving guy, I guess he proved me wrong.

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