Chapter 13

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Tanner's POV

I woke up the next day to an empty bed and a note on the nightstand saying:

Good morning beautiful, I've gone out to buy coffee. Be back soon. Dean xx

I smiled and rolled out of bed, brushed my teeth and chilled on the sofa, about 5 minutes later Dean walked through the door with 2 coffee takeout cups in his hands. He saw me and winked. He gave me my cup and plumped himself down next to me on the sofa and sighed.

'Good morning' I said to him.

'Good morning sunshine' he replied putting his hand on my thigh, 'so. Are we gonna sort my stuff out today?'

'If you want, we don't have to rush' I answered.

'Well, I tell you what, if we have a lazy day today and then sort everything out tomorrow' he explained.

'Of course, that's fine' I replied.

There's something I've been meaning to tell Dean for a couple of days now..I was looking through his phone the other day and read a few text messages from a girl called Tiana. He was calling her baby girl and sweetheart. But I don't want to say anything to him now because then he'd be mad that I was searching through his phone. I am also 2 weeks late with my period, which could mean I'm pregnant again. I really don't want to go through losing a baby again, that was the hardest moment of my life. I won't say anything to him. I'll wait. Also, since Roman and I met, we've been talking quite a lot, he's like the older brother I never had.

Dean left for Raw but I didn't go because I wasn't feeling like it. I ran myself a hot bath and was just about to get in when my phone rang, I looked at the caller ID and it was Roman. He's off wrestling for a couple of weeks due to an injury but he's okay.

'Hey Roman' I said picking up the phone.

'Hey baby cakes' he replied.

'How are you doing?' I asked.

'Pretty good thanks, my arm's aching but I'll live. What about you?'

'Feeling a bit sick and worried to be honest with you'

I heard him make a deep growl in the back of his throat, like he was frustrated.

'Roman?' I asked.

'It isn't Dean that's making you feel sick and worried is it?' His voice was low and quiet.

'Of course not! I just need to tell you something. But not over the phone'

'Alright, I'll be over in about 10 minutes' he sounded calmer and happier this time.

I put the phone down and drained the bath and dressed myself again. Roman arrived and gave me a long hug and kissed my head. I feel as if I need to tell Roman about my 2 little problems but I didn't think he'd come over. We sat down on the sofa and started chatting, he told me about his shoulder and how he can hardly lift weights because it hurts so much. I could barely get a word in edgeways.

'Anyway, Tanner, you wanted to tell me something?' He said crossing his arms across his chest.

'Oh you remember that do you?' I chuckled, 'well, to start with I'm 2 weeks late'

He shifted in his seat awkwardly. 'Like, um...your period?'

I nodded and smiled at how awkward he was.

'Oh okay. Well do you think you might be...? Yanno, knocked up'

'I'm not sure, there's a part of me that wants to be pregnant but there's another part that doesn't because I don't want to lose it again. And plus I don't think we're even ready for a baby what with him at a possible high point in his carrer'

He kept nodding and I could see the concentration in his eyes, he was really intrigued. In fact, he carried on staring until I waved a hand in his face.

'Oh sorry for staring. Well I think you should talk to Dean about it' he responded.

'Yeah, thanks Roman' I replied smiling at him.

'Was there anything else?' He asked.

Yes, I thought to myself but I just couldn't get the words out.

'Um no, that's about it' I said after a few seconds.

Shit Tanner, you need to tell him, I told myself in Natalya's voice. She's very persuasive but I couldn't say the words, especially if I was wrong.

Roman left after half an hour and I finally had the chance to get in the bath when I got to the top of the stairs someone knocked on the front door and it was was mum, brilliant. I'll never be clean, I said dramatically under my breath to myself.

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